Гнида, просто гнида.

Nov 28, 2007 11:06

Экспонат №1

Excerpt from the transcript of the Prime Minister [Olmert] (then the Mayor of Jerusalem) speaking to an August 2002 solidarity mission visiting Jerusalem.

"Yerushalayim [Jerusalem] is not just a city. Yerushalayim is not just the united eternal capital of Israel. It is, obviously it is, but it is a lot more. Yerushalayim is our city. It is not the city of anyone else, it never was and it never will be (applause) - never. Whenever Jews from outside of Israel speak out their mind, there are those who say, it's not your business - you don't live in Israel, you don't have to go through the pains and terrible experiences that we have to go through, so why do you think that you have a right to intervene in this debate? And I don't want to talk in general terms. I can only say this: No one has the right to say to any Jew, no matter where he lives, that he has no right to speak up his mind about the future of Yerushalayim. Because Yerushalayim is not only the city of those who live in Yerushalayim, it's not only the city of those who live in the state of Israel - it is the city of every Jewish person no matter where he lives, and every Jewish person not only that he has a right, but in my mind he has an obligation to speak up his mind about the future of his city because the future of Jerusalem will ultimately determine the future of the Jewish people no matter where they live."

Экспонат №2

November 26,  2007
Ehud Olmert rejected any attempt by Diaspora Jews to dictate Israeli positions on Jerusalem.

The Israeli prime minister said his nation has the right to negotiate over the city, though he told reporters prior to the launch of U.S.-convened Israeli-Palestinian peace talks in Annapolis, Md., that Jerusalem was not on the table right now.

Asked about U.S. Jewish groups, including the Orthodox Union, that question whether Israel can bring up Jerusalem in talks, Olmert said, "Does any Jewish organization have a right to confer upon Israel what it negotiates or not? This question was decided a long time ago. The government of Israel has a sovereign right to negotiate anything on behalf of Israel."

annapolis, jerusalem, defeatism, olmert

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