Standing in line Zac came out. So I was like, wtf m&g? But no, he was just standing around wanting attention obv. So I made a picture of him.
He went all WHOA THOSE FLASHES. aka "That was two flashes" he said those exact words. He talks funny.
so yeah, doesn't he look amused?
and then he left.
About half 7 the doors opened. And madness began. fucking hell. I never seen anything like this.
Everyone got pushy, screamy and cruel really. but we got 2nd row. Between ryan and brendon.
Which was awesome, although I'd love to stand between brendon and jon, but whatever.
After waiting an half hour or so finally Nailpin came up.
Before they began I wrote 'sexy' on my hand, which comes in later ^^
They were good, I already knew them for being support of Fall out boy last year.
I only knew 2 songs or so, but it was fun. The leadsinger wanted the audience to sing, coming to us [whyyy]
So I was like, whatever and showed him my hand, he laughed and said thankyou.
Next was Black Gold, i dont know, I couldn't even understand what he was singing, but still took pictures.
We were all waiting for Brendon to appear, but he didn't.
Which makes me think, people were throwing glow sticks or something, and also towards Brendon and he was saying something like: I'm glad its not a bottle.
Anyway, now, lets talk about panic. puh-lease.
They came up, playing we're so starving. Seriously, you could've placed a bucket under me and i'd be full at the end of the show.
[My pictures are still uploading on the computer now]
Ryan looked up our way for a few times, I dont know it made me giggle cause he looked so weird.
He saw the 'sexy' hand [like 5727952 times], HE DIDN'T EVEN LAUGH. he looked like; wow i cant be sexy or something, but not even a grin. but it made me grin lmao. What's wrong with you woman?! Anyway,
Everytime he saw it I ended up lauging, also with Brendon.
Then Nine in the afternoon came, prettyyyy. After that That Green Gentleman, oh boy.
I think like 25% of the people knew the lyrics. Including me, screaming on the top of my lungs.
Also, in my video you can see the point where Brendon saw my hand and smiled. AAWWW.
I'm so going to put that on my phone. He was all smiling and I was all melting.
They played along, Ryan made a few jokes, some of them not even being said into the microphone.
And seriously, the Ryden love thingy was back for a few times.
they played along, Jon talked for most of the time. Also, they got some drawings of someone, and Jon was like, This is Brendon, This is me. Look It's spencer. Look its ryan, showing us the drawings which were pretty good.
oh and, Brendon before Lying "This song is about people having sex" and then somewhat not so loud "It's pretty good actually"
He also asked who was part of a couple, or who was here as a date or something, and then he was all "Well I'm still single" and something more, but I dont quite remember it. Then I changed the 'sexy' to 'still sexy' ryan saw it, like a zillion times again but just pulled a weird face. and brendon laughed again. DUDES, I/MY SEXY HAND MAKE[S] BRENDON LAUGH
They played the 3 new songs, which I all filmed, but mad as rabbits is not complete because my battery was almost empty.
Everyone left, so did Jon with his beer, I can almost best it was beer.
Then Brendon came back with his acoustic guitar. "You guys have to help me out here" and some more about that he needed the begin of the song [Time to dance] then he sang the intro [tuut tuut tudutu] and we followed ofcourse.
Then he began singing, whoa. acoustic time to dance = love.
Even though I knew that only one song was left =[
I didn't even laughed about Ryan's singing.
They walked off, Jon standing there a little longer with [still] his beer, Jumping over Brendons guitar.
And then Zac came on, handing out all the stuff that you can hand out.
Ryan also threw some plectrums into the audience, but I didn't got one.
Lol@ all the people looking on the floor for them, even when they're just normal plectrums that you can buy in any guitarshop.
We walked out, got myself the pornmime shirt [only one left in my size]
Pre-ordered Pretty. Odd. which I'll get in on 21th of march, with a poster. And also got the nita single for free.
o_O seriously, song nr3 is pretty. Bought an illegal poster with 2 sides, i love those haha. Got the advertising poster from the shop selling pretty. odd and stuff. And my grandma also bought one of the illegal posters for me haha. So I got to make room to panic-pimp my room.
Cynthia and me actually bought the aladdin cd for giving to panic, but we didnt got the chance :| so next time they'll get it, i suppose.
And now Pictures/videos
I'm not posting all pics, you could also go to my myspace after 30 mins after this is posted to see the pics, or my photobucket.
ask for it if you dont have it
nailpin, i just liked this picture.
LOL. Idk, just picked a picture of erik, for the lovers.
ryans 'beautiful' standard, and Zac singing along to This aint a scene.
Jon with his beer. <3
Helooo asses
now comes a picture that is lol worthy, idk it might be small?
the lightning isnt helping
his pants looked soo interesting. shuss. you like it.
ryan and his ghost. lol, nvm.
why does he have to drink at the time i want a picture of him. >:{
but, its a picture.. of spencer smith.. which was pretty. hard. to take/get
action picture bb.
same face he pulled with the shotgun wedding part in time to dance.
i lol'd, i'm just seeing the pics for the first time now. so omg brendon.
-skipping alot of pictures now, i have more than 300 pictures, could've taken alot more if i had more battery-
el spencor, lol with a half nose, he was moving. damnit.
this ones pretty big. spencer is evil, with red eyes. okay, i've gone mental
tattoo =D
yay for the little bit of jon on the background. I thought spencer was hard, but jon was even harder
is that a laugh, or singing, anyway it looks like a laugh, i want it to be a laugh. show some emotion ryho.
well there ya go!
lol whut but still <3
this picture is total heaven.
but this one more, icu lookin into my camera. =D omg.. this just makes me melt, when i saw the pic i went all; oooh ooh aaah.
JON! lol, but check him pressing his nose against the microphone, oink oink miss piggy.
Mad As Rabbits ^^
rock out .. yeaah.
and now i;m going to upload my videos, so that'll be in here soon.
if not: now i just want it back. It was all worth it, the 5 hours waiting, the 3 hour sitting in a train [to the venue and back] the being pushed against everything where you can get pushed against. Getting my pants wet because the singer of nailpin threw a bottle between me and a girl, upsidedown. getting a pin-ish thing in my stumache, having all bruises and shit.
IT WAS ALL WORTH IT, believe me.
EDIT: VIDEOS. yes i'm still uploading, youtube wont take them and neither will photobucket, so i did it through this dutch site, which fucked up my filmquality, but the sounds still good.
Acoustic Time To Dance: seconds of But its Better if you do:¤t=P1000225-1.flv Mad as rabbits: rest wont upload :| or it'll take me more than 2 hours, so if you want the other videos
[lying, shes a handsome woman, that green gentleman including brendons smile -melts- and some talking about the drawings that were made]