Apr 13, 2008 17:20
Ok. So you all may know that I have a Deviantart and I make relatively frequent posts.
You may also be aware that I am someone who dislikes people who label themselves or others.
That's why, when I received a comment on my default (MySp*ce) that was probably just a simple, lighthearted joke, I felt seriously hurt.
In the picture there's a Hollister bag. Ok, yeah big deal, I shop there.
So the comment went something along the lines of
OOO, do I spy Hollister? PREP ALERT!
And this person happens to be 2 years younger than me. AND doesn't know me.
I stared, open mouthed, at the comment for about five minutes before bursting into a furious rage and not logging in for a few whole weeks.
I don't even know why people want to be a part of something so judgemental and critical of what you do or wear.
Wear Hollister, for example, when you're "emo," and prepare to be criticized for it.
The real "scene" isn't like that I know for a fact. NOT that I'm even a member of it anyway.
Alongside the things you may know about me, you might know that I'm not emo.
Ok, yeah, shocked? Don't be.
It's a dead thing. It's going out of style faster than tea cup dogs and metallic handbags.
Seriously folks, I've moved on to new things.
Summer's coming soon, and in case you didn't know, a black tshirt is the best way to get heat stroke. And jeans?
I traded them in for a pair of American Eagle madras short shorts and a navy tank top kthanx.
I tried to read Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer the other day and I couldn't do it. It was like bad fic.
I'm so used to reading really amazing slash that some of the best (in my opinion) writers have written.
It was so... URG and I had to stop reading it. I was just *waves arms at it* I was shocked that I could have actually enjoyed it at one point.
Vampires are lame. I like werewolves better.
Another reason why I abandoned reading it. People started to criticize me because I liked Jacob better than Edward.
Everyone loves me, I know
updates and funn happenings,
labels are bad!