"sunset makes the shadows longer..."

May 30, 2006 11:19

so i started waiting tables last week and they let mike train me. let me tell you, that was fun. he gave me some hell about it, but it was probably for the best that he was really hard on me at first. looks better for him that he trained someone well, and it's working out for me because i have made good tips so far. i'm not that great with parties though...but i guess that takes time. i'm still not a fan of the waiting game. i think the money will win me over though. hopefully i'll be good enough soon so that they can train me for lunches. then i won't have to work all night and be there til like midnight. i'd trade a little less money for day shifts/split shifts with an earlier cut.

ooh..and i can afford to take more than 1 day off every 6-10 days now. that's super exciting. and maybe i can make enough money for a vacation soon. :)

i haven't done anything for awhile. too tired after work and stuff. most of my friends are upset that they never see me too. and they think it's mike's fault, but in reality it's more my fault because i'm always so effing tired from work...and i never have a day off. sarah is especially upset. but i mean she works 2-6 mon-fri...and now i work like every day 4 (or 5) until like 10, 11, 12, or even 1 some nights. i have no idea how many hours a week i work, but i'm sure it's at least 40 or more. the week of mother's day i was def pushing close to 50 hours...11 of them being on mother's day.

mike has a car now, and he's getting moved in to his badass place. it's kinda weird not having him around 24/7. i wonder what this will do to us, seeing that we've done just about everything backwards. he seems a little distant lately, and that worries me. it was kinda rough training with him and literally spending the entirety of 3 days together. and we got into a little disagreement around then too (actually, i was just having a really bad day and was stressed because i realized i hate waiting tables).

and matt and morgan are moving to memphis within the next month.

that's about what's going on. time to enjoy day off #4 for the month! :)
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