[Scare 06] Eep.

Oct 01, 2008 17:07

[Voice Post]

I keep hearing some weird laughing every-so-often from someone above me. It's kind of creepy. Okay, it's really creepy.

I mean, I'm not trying to listen in! It's...well...these big ears pick up radio if I'm not careful. Anyone in the building's easy to hear.


monster issues, accidental eavesdropping, humans

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[voice] entro_pist October 2 2008, 13:17:51 UTC
[The Joker sees what you did thar, clever thingling-- giving away his location like that, even if it was just an accident. He laughs that laugh. The one that's low and dark and positively evil.]

What's wrong. You don't think this is a funny place?


[Voice] panicky_monster October 2 2008, 20:59:03 UTC
[Squeal of fright!]

O-of course! [Hyperventilating laughter] I mean, wh-wh-who wouldn't?


[Voice] entro_pist October 3 2008, 19:07:53 UTC
[His tone is falsely gentle now] Really? Oh, but you sound nervous.

Hey. D'you mind if I try a little experiment?


[Voice] panicky_monster October 11 2008, 13:50:35 UTC
[The speaker seems to have gone out of full-blown panic mode but still sounds worried.]

No, no, no, I'm not nervous! Of course not!

[Nervous laughter belying his previous statement.]

An experiment...? Um...okay?


[Voice] entro_pist October 12 2008, 03:44:21 UTC
It's simple. All I want you to do is listen and then tell me if you can hear this. Ready...set...go.

[-click- The PDA disconnects. With it off, he speaks aloud in a normal volume - "Have you ever met a real monster?"]

[His device reconnects.] ...Well?


[Voice] panicky_monster October 12 2008, 03:50:44 UTC
[Squeals of terror!]

Yes! Yes, I could hear it! I could hear it!


And I haven't met one like you before...[More whimpering.]


[Voice] entro_pist October 13 2008, 00:00:21 UTC
[Note to self: Don't say anything important out loud in Building Three.]

Wh- Me? [High, eerie laugh.] Who said I was the monster here? I'm a clown. Aren't you supposed to be a monster? You should be the one scaring me.


[Voice] panicky_monster October 13 2008, 00:09:41 UTC
W-Well, y-y-y-y-y-y-yes, but...[squeaky laughter]...you're not like any hu-hu-humans I've met.


[Voice] entro_pist October 13 2008, 01:16:45 UTC
[Thoughtful smack of lips...] But if I'm not like any monsters you've met and I'm not like any humans you've met, then what am I?


[Voice] panicky_monster October 13 2008, 01:18:03 UTC
I...d-d-d-don't know...

[[OOC: I want to thread with you SO BADLY. Because this amuses the crap out of me. XD]]


[Voice] entro_pist October 13 2008, 02:16:59 UTC
Know what I think? I think if you can scare me, people will start taking you a -little- more seriously. As a monster, hmmhmmhmhm. [Malevolent chuckling as he disconnects the PDA, --though Ickis can probably still hear it anyways.]

[ooc : Lol! IT AMUSES ME, TOO. I just have no idea what to log about, but maybe this mod-plot thing will generate some ideas...]


[Voice] panicky_monster October 14 2008, 01:04:38 UTC
[Incoherent squealing until the PDA times out.]

[[OOC: Crossing fingers. Because a chat between these two would be full of epic SOMETHING. XD]]


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