(no subject)

Jun 13, 2006 21:09

Ah!  You guys, I totally have left you all hanging for about a week and hope you can forgive me! I now have two roles in the fabulous
behindthevelvet rpg, so I've been quite busy, aside from it being final week.

And you know what? Screw you, Sarah. Sure, go ahead and fight with be because I won't give you a fucking picture....you're really a horrible friend and do you really throw that term, "I hate you," around a lot? I don't want to see your face during final week and I'm totally avoiding you at the breakfast.

You all don't even know how mad she makes me....how the hell do you hate someone you just said goodbye to? I mean, an hour and a half ago, we were friends and then because of a stupid picture....I know, you're telling me to just send her the picture. But I can't, now. She threatened to spill my secret about my love and that's totally unacceptable, even thought she fucking promised that she would NEVER tell anyone.

I'm so upset I can't even cry. Literally, I don't think you know how this feels. My chest literally aches and so do my eyes, because I want to express this, I'm surprised my keyboard isn't broken from my avid typing, but I really need a good way to express this and I CAN'T CRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ugh, this is fucking insanity............I hate this, I hate Sarah. I swear to my love that I am not going to talk to  her forever, even if she apologizes fifty fucking times. She deserves not having my friendship and deserves to not see me. That's just how it is.

On the other hand, I love Lexinaynay!!!!!!!!!!!! Such a good friend, listening to my venting rage. Ugh, have to be going. Hope to hit you all up with some really awesometastic FanFiction!

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