Jul 30, 2007 16:34
well. Ive been in Greenfield for like a week now. My bff comes this Sunday, August 5th.
Ive met two people thus far. Dan and Aaron. Dan lived three doors down from me, and he is pretty much always in his garage playing guitar. Aaron lives on some other street near me, in the apartments, and he jams on the bass with Dan. Dan, 17, going to be a junior. Aaron, 18, going to be a senior.
Theyre scaring the shit out of me talking about how everyone here are asses. eek. Theyre not exactly what I would call the people that really "fit in" either, like long hair, metal t's. You know what I mean? Theyre nice guys, but I can tell that even teachers would automatically sterotype them to be losers and shit that dont care about school and automatically give them a hard time. You know what I mean? Ive said that twice in this paragraph, lol.
I hope people like me, and that I can make friends. hahha. Ive never been new before, and there are just as many kids in my highschool that LIVE IN MY town, that Im from. hahha. I went to highschool with 100 other people, now Im going with like 1300 people. Itll be different for me, for sure.
What is your favorite 80s musician?