Don't Blame The Donuts

May 31, 2009 20:16

You pierce a single Fusilli with your fork and slowly withdraw that fork from your closed lips.
Engage. (or Murder.)
You look at me. It's all you need to do.
You tell me everything. I'll never get sick of you talking. Although yes... maybe you do talk too much. But what's there not to like about it? We are.. blatantly honest. Painfully honest.
You suck your chocolate-covered fingers. Slowly, one by one. The middle finger, the index, the thumb. It reminds me of... the saucy Desperate Housewives advert. Or perhaps, Calvin Klein's underwear ads. (Which I would classify as soft porn, btw)
You drink my Mochabella. You smell my hair. I whip out my lipstick and begin drawing.

Anyway, some random pic that tickled my strange fancy.

Personal experiences, anyone? I'm curious. O_O

Am so majorly overly siannnzxz with Blogger.
What with all the mindless mass spamming and... yeah.

But i've fallen in sweet, mind-blowing love.
With The Royals' Cafe MEE SIAM.
Oh, yes. The tangy sourness, the teeeeeny touch of spice (I can't take spice at all I swear) gets me all the time. Only two bowls so far but omg, i'm hooked. I'm converted.
Man, I need another bowl ASAP.

Like... tomorrow. Lunch? (:

Recently it's been all about food.
Mee siam spamming, coffee spamming. God. The adrenaline, just thinking about it.
Tao huay soon yes?
Today was a food day with (scandalous) FB.
Pastamania and... 4 donuts/ person.

While we try to prove that point that donuts are truly aphrodisiacs, maybe we should stop blaming donuts and reflect on ourselves and our slightly frisky ways. Just, slightly.
Just one subtle touch. Then the mingling of our fingers. Then... it develops.
A raw tingling down my spine--> A warm shudder--> A spontaneous smile.

(I dread the day we try oysters. I think i'd just die.)

By the way, I miss hearing your acoustic.

Already i'm in a semi-picturesque state, remembering how pretty the night sky looked lying next to you, remembering how we walk in tandem, remembering how you looked under the street lamps in the middle of the road.

And oh yes,
Joy to the World.
My F21 stuff has arrived. :D :D :D :D :D
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