Jun 09, 2004 16:02
the countdown: 4 more days left in chicago
one day left of school
me: dicking around on the internet not really getting much done.
katharyn: never ever answering her phone or calling me back ever because she's a gaywad.
alex: oh alex.
laura: hopefully not dead, hopefully not going straightedge, hopefully moving to her new place, hopefully calling me later.
sara: co-dj'ing the dance party of the century.
robb: already out of school and practically creaming his shorts (if he can even do that yet) with excitement for monday when i get home.
me: shorts would be equally creamy if i wore shorts.
JD: scored beulah tickets for free, can't beat that.
shawn: bumped into me at the train stop and felt awkward because he hasn't called me in months.
school: thinks it can kick my ass, but i'm about to turn the tables
those reheated quesadillas that i ate for breakfast: showing my stomach who's boss...ooooh
leandra/marilee: expecting to hang out on thursday and get money i owe them
me: broke as a joke, still no rent money, what what?
kellan: hopefully making time to hang out in between his long hours of redefining jaunty.
me: crossing my legs with anticipation
life: refusing to slow its roll.