Aug 03, 2010 19:13
Okay dokey! So in marching, it's more than just moving foreword. It's a very specific thing. You don't walk, you roll your foot. Their are also different movements, like flanks where your instrument/upper half is facing front, but your lower half/feet are moving sideways. It gets complicated. So for the sake of my master list not being super duper long, I'm making a separate post of marching terms.
I am getting this completely from the Marching Handbook my band director gave me (only officers get them (; ) so it's exactly how a real director would state it. This is going to be long, I'm not going to lie, but their isn't all that much to it (does that makes sense?).
So here we go!
Basic Marching Information
1.Yard lines are eight, 22.5 inch, steps apart.
2.The hash marks are 28 steps from the sideline and 28 steps apart.
3.When marching, make sure that the arch of your right foot hits the yard line.
4.Always fall in at parade rest, spacing either 2 or 4 steps depending on activity.
5.After completing a maneuver, freeze. Do not talk and keep eyes straight ahead.
6.The home side is referred to as south (on a football field). All other compass directions are derived from that.
7.The west side of the field is referred to as side on and the east side as side two.
8.Movement toward the 50 yard line is considered inbound while movement away is outbound.
Chart Abbreviations
FM-Forward March | MT-Mark Time | Hold-Stand still
RM-Rear March | HDT-Horns Direction of Travel | IB-Inbound
LF-Left Flank | HS- Horns South | OB-Outbound
RF-Right Flank | HN- Horns North | HTDM-Horns to Drum Major
PW-Pinwheel | MM#-Measure Number | HTPB-Horns to Press Box
Fundamental Marching
Position of Parade Rest
The position that band should automatically fall into.
1. The position of Parade Rest varies from instrument to instrument, but basically it is instrument in RH. LH over right. Brass down. WW arms crossed. Saxes parallel to the ground, RH on bell. Flags cradled at an angle. Feet shoulder width.
COMMAND: Band - Ten - Hut
Two-Snap left heel against right. Toes apart to form 60 degree "Pie Wedge". Instrument is raised w/ mouthpiece (trombones, flutes, clarinets) or first valve slide (mellophone, trumpet baritone) at eye level. Exceptions are saxes who should be parallel to the ground, sousaphones who do nothing, and guard; flag perpendicular to ground in RH.
WTWF (What to watch for)-Elbows at correct angle, instrument perpendicular to ground, look straight ahead. POSTURE!!! (feet, hips, stomach, chest, shoulders, chin)
Parade Rest
COMMAND: Band - Parade - Hest
Two-Quickly move to position of Parade Rest (left foot moves out).
Left Face
COMMAND: Band - Left - Hace
One-Turn 90 degrees to the left on the heel of the left foot and ball of the right.
Two-Snap right foot next to left in "Pie Wedge".
WTWF-Upper body must stay firm and balanced.
Right Face
COMMAND: Band - Right - Hace
One-Turn 90 degrees to the right on the heel of the right foot and ball of the left.
Two-Snap left foot next to right in "Pie Wedge".
WTWF-Head stays up. Instrument stays in proper position.
About Face
COMMAND: Band ---- A - Bout - Hace
RESPONSE: And - One - Two - Three
And-Initiate movement with right foot.
One-Extend right foot 22.5 inches in front of you with a pointed toe touching the ground.
Two-Turn quickly to the left 180 degrees on the balls of your feet.
Three-Snap right foot against left in "Pie Wedge".
WTWF-Make sure the knees do not bend excessively. This could cause bobbing.
Horns Up
COMMAND: Band - Horns - Up
RESPONSE: (rest) - Chh
Chh-Quickly bring instrument up to playing position. Flutes parallel to the ground. Brass 15 degrees above parallel. Brass forearms should form 90 degree angle. DO NOT tuck the elbows into your body.
Horns Down
COMMAND: Band - Horns - Down
RESPONSE: (rest) - Chh
Chh-Quickly snap instrument down into attention carriage position.
Mark Time
COMMAND: Mark - time - Mark (This command may be used to start many things)
RESPONSE: Check-and-One, Two, Three, Four, etc.. (count to eight then repeat back to one)
Check-Lift left foot slightly off the ground.
One-Place left foot on the ground with toes facing directly forward.
(Initiate lift of right foot)
Two-Place right foot on the ground with toes facing directly forward.
(Initiate lift of left heel)
Three-Return left heel to the ground
(Initiate lift of right heel)
Four-Return right heel to the ground.
Band Halt
COMMAND: Band - (rest) - Halt
RESPONSE: Step - Stop
Step-Take a step with your right foot slightly angled out.
Stop-Bring your left foot up alongside your right into "Pie Wedge".
WTWF-Make sure all body motion stops on stop.
Forward March
COMMAND: For-ward - March
RESPONSE: Check-and-One
Check-Get ready.
and-Extend left foot 22.5 inches with toes pointed up.
Step-Place left foot on ground. Roll from heel to toe. Repeat process with right.
WTWF-Full size first step. Good body posture. Snappy initiation.
Backwards March
COMMAND: Back-ward - March
RESPONSE: Lift-and-One
Lift-Lift up on the balls of the feet.
and- Move the left foot backwards 22.5 inches.
One-Place left foot on the ground. Stay on the toes. Repeat process with right.
Left Flanks
COMMAND: Band - Left - Flank
RESPONSE: Check-and-One
Check-Step with your right foot.
and-As your left foot passes closely to your right quickly turn 90 degrees to the left on the ball of your right foot.
One-Take a full sized step in the new direction.
Right Flank
COMMAND: Band - Right - Flank
RESPONSE: Check-and-One
Check-Step with your right foot.
and-As your left foot passes closely to your right quickly turn 90 degrees to the right on the ball of your right foot.
One-Take a full sized step in the new direction.
WTWF-Do not lose body posture on the turn. Keep it tight and crisp.
Rear march
COMMAND: To-the-Rear---March
RESPONSE: Turn-and-One
Turn-As you step, quickly turn 180 degrees to the left on the ball of your right foot.
Step-Place left foot down in the same spot, but now turned the other direction.
WTWF-Make sure your toe is lifted on "step". Don't plant both feet on the turn.
Right or Left Slide
COMMAND: Ban - Right (Left) - Slide
RESPONSE: Turn-and-One
Turn-When executing from a hold, do nothing. When executing while moving, place right foot halfway toward the new orientation.
And-Move your left foot shortest distance from the old position towards the new one.
One-Take a full sized step in the new direction.
Dress Center
COMMAND: Dress - Center - Dress
Two-Snap head 90 degrees toward "center:. Then adjust your position.
Ready Front
COMMAND: Read----- Front
Front-Snap head to face forward. Eyes straight ahead.
Drag Turn
COMMAND:Four-Count-Turn-to-the-Right (Left)
RESPONSE:Check-and-One - Two - Three - Lock
Using a step like mark time, slowly turn to the left or right in four counts.
Position of Attention without Instruments
Hands in fists at hips. Stand tall. Chest out, chin up.
Position of Parade Rest without Instruments
WW's, Percussion, Guard, and Sousaphone should put LH over RH in front of the body similar to the brass parade rest.
Position of Trail
Percussion, Guard, and Sousaphone; N/A.
Saxophone-Under right arm, parallel to ground. Hold bell with right hand.
All others-In LH at a 45 degree angle (Bell closer to ground than mouthpiece).
In parades woodwinds and trombones do not use trail position. Flutes and Clarinets use a position called "Right Shoulder". Saxophones and Trombones use "Shotgun" position.
Right Shoulder
Instrument is held near bottom by RH and rests against right shoulder.
You can go to horns up by placing LH, RH, UP.
Instrument under right arm, parallel to ground.
Sax horns up from this position is same as Flute/Clarinet from Right Shoulder.
Trombones go to horns up by preparing LH. Out parallel, out perpendicular, UP.
Additional Information
Commands can only be called if you are in the correct position to perform them. If someone calls a command that you cannot do you should answer "Sir-as-you-were-Sir." Here are some basic guidelines.
1.Attention is the only command that can be called while there is no order.
2.From parade rest you may only go to attention.
3.While at attention you may go back to parade rest, perform any faces, horns up/down, dress center, ready front, mark time, drag turn, forward march, backwards march.
4.While moving you may NOT go to parade rest, perform faces, or do dress center. All other commands are valid. See rule 6 for exceptions.
5.Once you are in motion you must eventually stop with a band halt. When this happens makes sure your feet face the same way as your upper body.
6.When doing a slide only five commands may be called. Forward March, Backward March, Ready Front, a Slide in either direction, or Band Halt.
7.Perform change of direction commands based on your upper body orientation.
marching handbook,
one time... at band camp