ehh.. hhhooK..

Jun 21, 2005 20:58

i'm excited cause the new TFK cd is comming out july 19!!!! man it was supposed to come out in like may.. so i've been waiting and i got their e-mail news letter thing saying when it was REALLY comming out..

wrk at the dr. office SUCKS as usual.. the new "boss/superviser/i dunno" lady is messing everything up cause she wants us to try to change the way we do things and she took one of the computers ha janet was so pissed off.. we joke about it now.. cause there are only two desks and a "wrk station" ha it's crazy cause there's not nearly enough room for all of those charts and papers and MESS!!! and she wants us to keep the charts out [which are in bins and there are like 5 of them on the floor now!!] and not file them till the dictations from the dr.'s are put in there!! so there's a big mess of charts all over and everyone is frustrated and i feel so overwhelmed by the mess that i don't think it'll ever get done.. = / ahh

um leslie is gone this week so i have to do all the level 5 classes by myself.. ha that was not so fun today.. imagine 10 kids wanting your attention, and spot, all at the same time, then if you dont do that all at one time some get upset and get mad at you or they mope around saying that " you don't pay attention to me" or " i've been waiting for you to spot me!!", and some sit down and do nothing so i have to yell at them to get up and wrk on the skills they should be doing otherwise dave will yell at me for my kids sitting around.. !!! exactly not so great.. and i have to do that again on thursday, friday, and saturday with those kids by myself.. and on wednesday with the 2,3,4's.. that's what they always do to me.. then there's atleast one or two in each class that want to talk back and not listen as if it wasn't bad enough.. so there's no respect at all.. it's a bad feeling...

eh.. josh and i have been doing ok.. we've discussed breaking up a few times but we both knew it wouldn't be permanent cause duh! we're gonna get married.. i just don't want to screw up anything and taking some "time off" would really help so i can get everything else back on track, but everytime i suggest it josh is like "no, i don't think that will help it will just make me more upset and mad etc.." and he says "i dont' believe in that taking time off crap.." oh well.. i dunno what else to do?..

eh i've gotta go.. later

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