Explain your LiveJournal name and its meaning. When you're done, tag as many people as there are letters in your name.
"Pangea" is a Greek word which means "all lands", and was the name of the supercontinent on Earth about 237 million years ago. (Yes, there were dinosaurs there Fry!)
"Maru" is a Japanese word, which (loosely) translated means "fortunate". It's typically added as a suffix to the names of boats as a talisman against sinking, although it didn't seem to work too well for ST:II's Kobayashi Maru. :/ It's hard to explain why I chose this as my screenname without going off on an esoteric tangent. In short, pangea represents the concept of unity amongst all lands & creatures of Earth, while maru is a type of blessing. I use this screenname everywhere. :-)
Since I rarely follow directions, I'm not going to tag anyone - but I will encourage my entire flist to post the meanings behind their names. :-D