Sun villakoirasi nimi oli Rin Tin Tin
Typerä piski joka murisi mulle
Hölmöksi tunsin minä itsenikin
Vaikka kaikesta halusin puhua sulle
Mä vain häntääni heilutin
The name of your poodle was Rin Tin Tin
A stupid dog who growled at me
I felt dumb myself
Even though I wanted to talk about everything with you
I just wagged my tail
-- Leevi and the Leavings: Rin Tin Tin
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They have so many great songs. <3 The lyrics make up at least 50 % of all the awesomeness, though. I always find it fascinating whenever I see writing I don't understand at all or hear people trying to explain something in poor Finnish or English that their language is just as rich and expressive as mine and that the words that mean nothing to me are so much to them. I sometimes think what it would be like to suddenly be the only person who speaks Finnish. No books, no-one to speak with, having to be myself in a language completely different...
Finnish = <3