Mar 21, 2008 15:09
I got a job at Poundstretcher.. I worked two nights and the manager shafted me into another I am working two peoples shifts, grr.. well it isn't actually that bad, more monies for random stuffs when I gets to Liverpool.
There is some talk about Livejournal being gay and not letting people make new basic be honest I am really not fussed about this as my friends are already I am not losing out on anything. :)
The F1 season has got off to an explosive start with the new rules...and this makes me happy as cars are crashing out all over the place, hehehe only seven cars managed to finish the first race. Hurrah for random accidents. The best of it is that Alsono is a freak and is now in a losing car.
And finally in case I forget happy birthday to Kush, I know it isn't till next week but who knows when I will next update this...and also I don't wanna forget about it.
I'll try and remember on the day :p