1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like.
2. Turn on your music player and put it on random/shuffle.
3. Write a drabble related to each song that plays. You only have the time frame of the song to finish the drabble; you start when the song starts, and stop when it’s over. No lingering afterwards!
4. Do ten however many of these, then post them.
t-these are terrible ;A; And they hardly followed the songs at all.
strange and beautiful - aqualung
He seems almost otherworldly to you - and maybe he is, if his stories are to be believed - like he's in the wrong time and place, and even though he smiles and laughs and says he's fine, even when he tells the happiest stories, there's sadness hidden behind his eyes, and then he'll close them for a second and when he looks back up at you it's almost like he expected to meet eyes of a different color entirely.
such great heights - iron and wine
"I'll go there one day," you tell him, looking at the stars outside the open window. "Somehow."
You half expect him to brush it off as a joke - what, outside? Don't you go there every day? - but instead he mutters, "as long as you take me with you" before he drifts back to sleep.
goodnight julia - yoko kanno
The streets are silent tonight, no sounds of raucous, drunk parties from the nearby bars or people rushing through the streets, just the two of you and the darkness and the pools of golden light from the streetlamps, and when he kisses you he tastes like alcohol and, somehow, loneliness.
shut up and sleep with me - sin with sebastian (YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HARD I LOL'D GUYS, SERIOUSLY. I spent a good minute laughing and had to restart the song so I could write.)
You wonder if he's as nervous as you are, if his heart is jumping in his chest too. You wonder if he's always been this quick at unbuttoning shirts (even with that prosthetic arm!) or if he's had practice, who else's ears he's whispered these same words in, who else has looked at him through eyes half-open and thought simply, he's beautiful. You wonder-
And then his lips are leaving yours and trailing kisses down your neck and chest and lower and- you haven't the coherency of thought to wonder anymore.
I didn't write down which song each drabble was while I was writing them, so I can't remember what this was. Something emo-ish, no doubt.
Tell him.
The sane part of you repeats it, over and over, like a guilty mantra. He'll find out eventually. Tell him.
But you don't, because you know he'll run, he'll look at you like you're contagious, like you're breaking- look at you with pity in his eyes and you just can't tell him, because that would hurt too much, and it doesn't matter to you if you die tomorrow, or in a week, or a year, as long as you can spend today with his arms around you and his heart beating to the same rhythm as yours.
anyone else but you - moldy peaches I can't believe Priyanka and I got the same song. Hahaha.
"There's always someone else. All you have to do is look."
But no one else is going to burst into the room suddenly at two AM, going on about a new theory about this "other world" of his and grinning like a maniac. No one else's hand will fit as perfectly in yours.
You're sure you'll never love anyone as much. You couldn't.