[Neris got various seashells to gift to her friends! Each person got one large sea shell along with a few tiny ones. She got them for Misty, Peach, Erika, Raikou, Brock, Bob, and Euisine, colors coordinated to match with each person!
As for Choir students, she got them greeting cards with writing utensils designed with music notes.
Otacon, along with some sea shells, also got a sweater (that's probably a little too big for him woops) with a polar bear design on it. She also gave him the swamp water she got from her Secret Santa because she didn't want to waste them.
As for her part for Secret Santa, she got Goombella. She doesn't know anything about her, so along with some sea shells, she got her various lotions with different scents. Hopefully there's one scent that she'll like!]