Sea Change, by Yahtzee
(AtS, Angel/Lindsey)
I've missed Lindsey, and I've wanted to read one really good Angel/Lindsey story, one that was plausible, took its time, and didn't make me try to believe too much. This one fit the bill perfectly. Set after Lindsey leaves LA and after Angel learns of Buffy's death, the two men end up on the same slow boat to China, and Lindsey sets out to get something he always wanted.
What You Can Get, by Speedo
(OaT, Vic/Mac)
It's a classic slash setup, with a twist. Vic's undercover in a gay bar, Mac's on stakeout, and the Director's up to her regular tricks. I thought that she captured Mac's energy and humor very well, and I like how Mac and Vic play against each other as the story unfolds. I've not seen all the eps yet, but this story captured the feel of the show that I've seen so far.