Day 18 - An FT Island/CN Blue/After School member that you would want to have sex with.
MINHWAN. Because maknae is sexy and has the cutest smile ever :3
I remember when I started to listen to FTI he was just 15 yo~ Now he isn't much older, but whatever...
Since he's a drummer his arms are realllllllly stroooooong (I saw his muscles!).
Who cares that he's so young? I dun't currrrr~
JONGHYUN. I don't really know CN Blue and their music. I picked him cuz for me he's the most handsome there =D
I saw just one CN Blue's performance, they aren't that bad I guess. IDK
Anyway, I like guitarists, plus Junghyun has good voice and smexy eyes and he's tall, which is good too.
BEKAH. She seems to be a crazy and wild girl. Look at her twitter pics =D
I think spending time eith her just can't be boring. She isn't a ultimate beauty or a barbie doll.
She's more like the girl next door.
If I know her we'd spend a lot of time outside. Clubbing anyone? =D