Thunder and sunshine and steady rain.

May 01, 2003 18:06


To her family: ご愁傷様でございます。最愛の一人娘様のことを深く悲しむのに、 私何も言えなくて、申し訳ございません。美穂子さんのいつも元気な笑っていた顔と新説で親しみやすい性格は知っている皆さんの心にいい思い出で今からずっとまで続いて行きます。美穂子さんに会えたら本当によかったでございます。その機会をいただきまして、どうもありがとうございました。

There was a service today at Sage Chapel to honor the life of Kajikawa Mihoko. She was a student; a teacher; a mentor; an internationally renowned scholar; an absolutely amazing hard worker; and above all, a patient and always considerate friend. I have met few people in my life that are as prodigious as she was. She was always smiling, always ready to listen and help; and always offered nothing but sincere friendship. Her accomplishments are nearly immeasurable, and that is not in the least an exaggeration.

She passed away last Friday...

In case you are/have been wondering, that is why I've been pretty down lately. I saw her just last Thursday evening. She looked upset, like she had been crying, but she smiled a small smile to me anyway. I can't stop seeing her face from that day...

この瞬間そのものから美穂子さんのようにいっしょうけんめい頑張ろうとしたい --- と言うより、絶対に頑張ろうとします。
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