Jan 21, 2006 11:39
Tonight was just one of those nights.
One of those good nights.
of those nights where you get out of the shower, and dance and spin in your
baby-blue bath-towel until your hair dries.
Where you dine on fine taco's
from taco bell, while topping it off with tree top applejuice.
Where your
little sister loses her last baby tooth while your mom tells her to stop
throwing it up in the air.
Where you drink fine aged pink chapagne, and
giggle because that has to be the strangest thing ever.
Where your mom starts
crying over every little speach in the Golden Globe awards, but you don't say
anything because you know she actually thinks she means it.
Where you finally
lose the towel and dance around your living room with your mum and sister to
Aladdin's 'Ain't never had a friend like me'.
Where you grin like a madwomen
at the terms 'Hebrew Crew' and 'Star Trek Musical'
Where your just filled
with joy and happiness to the point that your rocking back and forth giggling
like a 3-year-old and clapping your enthusiasm.
It was just one of those
nights n.n
Until my mum yelled at mwe to get off the computer and fold my
clothes, that is.