
Sep 10, 2007 12:58

Gideon, Valentinius and I have all been branded with the Orine O...Need to get a pic of it so I can post it...Gid went first because he was afraid he might chicken out...He did well and didn't need to be restrained (another of his fears)...He did do alot of flinching and teeth-gritting but all in all, he did great...Val went next, without flash back incident I might add...I went last because mine had to be the deepest brand because I don't scar well...I also aggreed to go last because I was the only one who had been branded before and so knew what to expect...Afterwards, we took our awesome brander, Jef Saunders of Rockstar Piercing, out for drinks...We did shots of tequila and the boys all drank beer as I had margaritas...Yumm!
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