Which 'To Venus and Back' Tori Amos Song Are You? brought to you by
Quizilla Im soo tired. My ankle hurts worse, but now that I have ice on it I think it's improving. God I could write a book today. I have been thinking that I might cut down on the drugs. I don't smoke that often or anything, but god it's lost the happiness. I just get bored, and depressed until i fall asleep. It's not worth it anymore.
Omg I am so mad that I probably won't get to see the Hours or Chicago in theatres. I hate this because i don't even get the chance to see it on video. *SIGH* I wish I had a car. Gram is mad at me once again "for going out to much" and "not being there for her", whatever. It's hopeless. Is this why I continously get kicked out of ppl's houses... actually no.. because I have never been this active in my life, and i have never had this many friends.
I'm already tired. Blah. Well I shall go guys. Miss ya all *mwa mwa* Blessings.