So I have decided that since I am new I should probably do this meme...
25... weird age of going everywhere and nowhere all at the same time
Binghamton, NY which is at once near everywhere (NYC, New England, Philly) and yet stuck in the perpetual bleakness that is a college town surrounded by ruralness
Graduate Student in Philosophy specializing in Bioethics which means I get to teach undergraduates why discussions concerning universal health care are about more then just higher taxes and communism. I also get to take classes about thngs like Kant's Critique of Pure Reason which make me question why I ever thought getting a PhD in philosophy was a good idea in the first place.
Have a half-brother named Elvis who is about 6 years older than me. (Mother is a die-hard Elvis fan to the point of needing professional help I think) We grew up together but we never really got along. He's married now with a 18 month old son named Damien who is absolutely adorable but is hell to babysit. Just never knew babies could have so much energy!
My Dad is a lawyer who works for an insurance company defending worker's compensation cases. He maintains that even though it is the second most boring type of law there is, the guaranteed 9-5 is well worth it. He's a very down-to-eaarth guy who loves his bowling league, baseball, and spending time with family. My ability to argue definitely comes from him and growing up having heated discussions about politics and well pretty much anything. My mother is a maternity nurse who hates her job, loves people, and will not be deterred from going over the top with everything she does. She also tries way too hard to relive her life vicariously through me. She once called my cell when I was in Paris (on vacation) and preceded to have an hour long conversation in which she told me I should make sure to go to a club and meet someone I could spend the night with because wouldn't that make the best story ever to tell my future kids? Who says that to their daughter???? Especially when I was in Paris with my girlfriend at the time!
I have an amazing kitty named Sienna who thinks she is actually half-monkey and half-puppy. She likes to hang upside down from bars and growl at people she sees outside windows.
Three Biggest Things Going On In My Life=
1) Trying to get through this damn Kant class. I swear Immanuel Kant is the most annoying thinker to ever have stepped on the planet.
2) Studying for my competency exams at the end of January. If I can somehow get through those then I may actually become an officially qualified university instructor! And from there the moon! lol j/k than I just have to write a 300 page dissertation on euthanasia without becoming overly depressed and disillusioned. But at least tenure means I can't get fired!
3) Figuring out whether The last two weeks of June are a good time to visit London and then what to do once I get there? Also need to figure out what is a good region-free dvd player since my panasonic appears pretty unhackable and British TV is way better than American!
Wow... I am a very boring person... oh well