May 24, 2006 20:59 it seemed like I had really important stuff to post, but now that I actually sit down and get to it, I can't remember what seemed so important..(that happens a lot lately, lol)....
So, it seems my birthday won't suck quite so much this year....I think I'm going to six flags with my little sister and my parents...which actually won't be so bad as it seems. I don't see them that much anymore. (which isn't all bad either...we get along much better now). Anyone want to come>? It will probably be June 26 (my birthday!)-it's a monday.
And I'm going camping in June....which I am pretty excited for..
I'm going to be having saturday's off from now on...I'm pretty excited.
And I have officially decided that I need some friends around here. Since there's not much to do, I'd like to have someone to hang out with while I'm doing nothing.
Andrew came to visit yesterday though....which was cool-I'm glad you called.
I keep thinking about school, but not quite making it to looking anything up.....I don't know if it's something actually holding me back for some reason (possible)....or just me being lazy and depressed.
So....I have been thinking about something in the past few months.........I got kicked out of my parents house (which I admit, I was partially to blame for, too), and quite a few people I know have been kicked out....and today my boss was talking about his son, who is turning 18, and is in a lot of trouble....and he's been thinking about kicking him out...but now he has to wait until after his birthday because the kid isn't allowed to leave his house until after his court date (see, at least I didnt get arrested, lol), did this kind of stuff always happen between parents and kids>? It seems extreme to me. There seems to be way too many kids getting kicked out of their houses and stuff like that....I dunno, maybe it's just that I notice it now., pretty much I'm a very boring person as of late....i think I'm going to go watch Tristan and myself...yup.....Oh, I actually cooked tonight....well, okay, mac and cheese from the box and Orange juice....(makes me think I know how to cook). All I need is a bottle of beer and I've got the epitomy of bachelor meal.