Oct 29, 2006 16:41
This week I'm introducing something new: Magnetic Poetry! We have one regular set and one lunchtime set and we've been having a lot of fun with them. So I'll be posting those along with the quotes each week, if there are any, which there aren't always.
That sentence made no sense....
Anyways, here are the regular quotes (we've got a good haul this week!):
"Now, how do you tell if it's accelerating?"
"Ask it!"
"Are you accelerating?"
Ms. Physics Teacher, Kevin (?), Jaclyn (?)
"There's Danish! How could hanging oneself be an option when there's Danish?"
"Oh my God, I'm so depressed! The floor is my only friend! *clings to floor*"
"*cups hands* This is a lung. It has air in it. *closes hands* This is a deflated lung. It doesn't have air in it. This is Richard's lung."
Sara (everyone send get-better waves to Richard Smith and his collapsed lung so he can sing again soon!)
"My friend put an h on the end of my name....so I put an h on the end of hers. Her name is Tammy. Tammyh!"
"Oh, it's got five heads, I see."
"She reminded me of somebody...and it wasn't herself either, it was somebody else."
"I've really got to multiply Ul -- multiply?? What the hell??"
me (I was trying to say memorize...)
"Now I get to *eat* the cute little smiley face!"
"There's always a smile inside you."
me, Tory
"Circle the o, not on your music but on your mouth."
Mr. Choral Director
"I think we should worship the bean. Beanerism!"
"The bean is a gift from Godzilla! It is the MESSIAH!"
"Messiah Bean!"
"Aviva is the Romans! Aviva is the Romans! Aviva is the Romans!"
"The holy beeean!"
"But it already died! It was crucified! And I don't think it's gonna rise again!"
"That's like trying to heat up a cow."
"That's called 'steak.'"
Margaret, Or
"It rhymes! Crees todo que lees! *claps*"
me (I was excited)
"Now, which marble are you gonna want to use, the marble that's covered in bumps or the smooth, pretty marble?"
Ms. Physics Teacher
"You want the one without STD's."
"Bess does not drive, and Tory does not exist."
"So you get home and have an hour break, right?"
"An hour...five..."
"Well, it takes time to recover from school!"
me quoting Sra. Spanish Teacher, Karen, Tory and Karen and me, Karen
"He just doesn't seem like the type of guy who'd have a cell phone."
"Or a life."
Tory, me
"I don't think I want to know what you were doing with the weiner before."
"You can't mix them, it's like opening the portal between the universes."
"No, the dog did not eat an entire pair of pants, come on now."
"Says the girl who's waving an ostrich."
"And Godzilla said, Let there be light."
"And Godzilla said also, Let there be potatoes."
Tory, me
"What's wrong with a huge looming presence? It's a perfectly *good* huge looming presence."
And now for Magnetic Poetry! Some are serious and some are funny. And some are kind of both...
he said about love
you grow through it
yet I want him like a bruise
all his skin teaches me
the smell of books is consuming
~unknown, possibly John
sound, dry wind
full and slender
like liquid or love
you can have the lace
but leave the bouquet
[format impossible to reproduce here]
avenue man by what they say
we pronounce consuming
if there am this glass burn
tell people
these were your days and see wild not
let work go
to build
my blue dark secret
run away with it
and slice a summer evening
for soon
immense morning will stagger in
butter the raw weiner
try my weiner
try any organic weiner sandwich
make a fresh weiner sandwich
~Karen and Tory in collaboration
build a bruise about me
so only you can slice through
this cracked and secret blossom
~Tory (oh so emo)
who buttered the nut
gobble green potatos
my lunch box had a fish but I ate him
always gobble wonderful green potatos
~Karen and Tory in collaboration again
chocolate sings
to the tongue
like books to people
chew a tomato & cheese and meat juice bar
~Karen, Tory, and me in collaboration
soup y has a cup of food
~me (as Cultists get the reference)
Whooof. My arms and hands and fingers are tired now from all that typing.....*goes to rest by doing psych homework which involves watching tv* Huzzah. Yay for quotes!