Bye Bye Little Boot Girl

Aug 12, 2008 18:23

When I first started talking to Eric one of the things the interested me the most was that he had a cat. The way he described wanting to adopt her made me melt. He said that he was tired of coming home to an empty house. He said he wanted a heartbeat to come home. That's exactly what he had in Gus and much much more. I remember meeting her for the first time when Eric and I were first dating. She was this tiny little grey and white squawkbox. She talked more than I've ever heard any other cat talk. It was like you could have a conversation with her. She would genuinely respond. She was very friendly and came right over to twirl around my ankles, purring.
After I moved in with Eric, before we adopted Timlin, Gus would always interrupt us when we were cuddling. She would burrow between us and if she coudln't get her head through our arms a little white paw would push through the gap. As soon as we lifted our arms up all we would see was a huge pair of yellow eyes wanting to be a part of the love. And my God, she certainly was part of the love. She made us laugh all the time. From begging for cheese to stomping like a bulldog to making muffins to squawking at the door when she heard our key in the lock. She was part of our Unit and I can't believe she's gone. We had so many nicknames for her: Boot, Lady, GalPal, Gusface Killah, SquawkBox, Little Grey, Little Boot, Pumpkin Patch, Bootsy Doodle.....many many more.
Eric adopted her when she was 11 years old. They had something special those two. She needed a home and he needed a heartbeat. I loved to watch her sit on his chest and reach her little boot paw up into his beard and just sit there with him and be completely content. It was one of the best things. She never seemed like she was an elderly kitty. She was very spry. She jumped up and over stuff and got up on her hind legs to go after cheese and chased dirty tissues around and acted like an 11, 12, 13 and 14 year old kitten.
She had been sick for a few months and we had been trying to do everything we could to make her better short of major surgery and I think she had just finally reached the point where she was ready to move on. I think we did the right thing but it doesn't make having this boot-shaped hole in my heart. I'm so glad I got to have her in my life and I'm so glad that I was with her in her final moments. I miss you like crazy little lady. You made my life blessed.  I will love you forever and always.

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