To sign up or not to sign up; that is the question.
Realistically, I haven't written anything (and I mean anything) since the last Holmestice round. I'm honestly assuming it has to do with the person in my abdomen because I also haven't been the slightest bit interested in sex since she was concieved, and for some reason it seems like writing
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I just kind of feel like I'm losing myself to this kid and she's not even born yet, y'know? I used to love writing, had at least a half dozen stories going in my head at once, and could barely keep up with the amount of porn buzzing around my g-drive, but it just seems like ever since I got pregnant, the urge is totally gone. I've never had this little of a sex drive in my life, and I'm 99% sure that's the biggest problem. I feel bad for my extremely patient husband, who is dealing with the brunt of this little hormonal defect (amid the rest of the pregnancy-stupidity break downs), but the fact that it's deterring me from doing something that I really honestly love doing is kind of depressing.
I'm going to try to sit down today and work on a story I stared back in October, just to see if I can get the juices flowing at all. Maybe if I can knock the rust off a bit it will help me decide. Sign ups close on the 20th, so I have a week and a half before I actually commit, which I suppose is a good thing.
And she's not due until July 29th, so I've got plenty of time :D
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