Oct 22, 2005 15:35
oh my god, i don't care what anyone says, MCR rocks! i got to see the concert last night at UMBC with Jenny and Hillary, and it was awesome. we did have to stand outside in the rain for thirty minutes, and the line was about 1 1/2 city blocks long, but that's besides the point! the show didn't really start until almost 8, and that's when Reggie and the Full Effect came on. they were cool. reggie came out in a prince outfit, and declared that it was just prince covers the entire night. which it wasne't, but we didn't want to be cut by prince. then it was Alkeline Trio, and they kicked ass. i really liked them. they were like green day, but only much better. they ended at 9:30, so we went and bought t-shirts. jenny and i got the same one. it's got "from the razor to the rosary" on the back, and that's one of my favorite lines in Thank you for the Venom (the first song MCR played). at ten, MCR finally came on. it was so fucking amazing. i can't describe it. it was like this amazing energy just toook control of everyone. if we were told to jump, mosh, give the middle finger, scream, we did it without hesitation. (even Jenny, and that's saying something!)that has to be the closest feeling to being god. they played all my favorite songs, especially cemetery drive. and they played a new song, disenchantment. it was good, i liked it a lot. we were about 25 feet from the stage most of the time, except when the mosh pits started. then Jenny kinda ran away, so we had to follow her. there were a ton of people crowdsurfing too. i wish i was one of them, that would have kicked ass. but at anytime, i could have thrown my shoe and hit Gerard in the head, so that's something. the people there were cool. some girl made the dress from Helena and wore it to the show, and a couple in front of us slow danced to ghost of you. and the mosh pits were rather friendly. so what if i can't hear anymore? i would go again in a heart beat.