Life sucks at the moment....

Sep 12, 2007 20:24

.....and doctors are idiots.

I have come to this conclusion after another stay in the hospital, this time for 5 days. I have unbearable stomach pain and i have been vomiting blood. Ok, serious right? i thought so, thats why i went to the ER at 2 in the morning. Fun thing to do when you are driving to the ER? pull over TWICE to throw up! I get there and I get hooked up to all types of machines, they begin to have plans to do a blood transfusion because I've thrown up again and they have tested it for blood. Chest X-ray, EKG, the works. They can't figure it out from the basic stuff they do in the ER, which i figured would be the case, so they admit me. Get up the room, its now 6:30 in the morning and call mom in michigan, she panics and heads out to come home. they have me on heavy duty pains killers so I sleep most of the time, and i dont' eat. mostly befcause the sight of food makes me sick. a day in and I have an endoscopy schedualed. Meet the doctor one time, thats it. I dont' even see him before the procedure. Then, get back up to the room, don't hear anythign from any of the doctors for 2 days, even after asking. Mom and I ahve to beg a nurse to tell us anything. ENDO came up whats next?
Dr. Laura Davis, a.k.a. bitch from hell, comes in. "Everything came back fine",
"we are going to take you off pain meds"
...HUH?, I'm dying from pain over here and you want to stop them?
" we can do a pelvic exam, but i dont' think it will show anything then I will send a surgeon to see you as the last effort"
.....umm....since when are we talking surgery?

she then walks out, and mom leaves. This creepy looking man walks in, intorduces himself as a surgeon. asks me what meds I'm on, and touches my stomach exactly 2 times, says that I'm not a candidate for surgery and walks out.....WTF?!?!?

then involves the 2 hour crying moment I had because i asked 3 times in that amount of time for pains meds and was ignored.

I walked about of the hospital AMA.....I'm still in horrible pain and still throwing up. I've tried to eat and everything comes back up, and I'm at a loss for what to do now.

so that is my past week in a nut shell, fun isn't it?
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