Dec 07, 2012 11:39

After an overwhelming response on both LJ and Tumblr, I think it's safe to say everyone wants in on this fanbook idea. |D

Hold your horses though when it comes to submitting your work--I'm drawing up a set of submission guidelines and forms so I can keep everyone's stuff organized more easily. Right now literally all I'm going to do is accept submissions and save them in a folder, because that's all I have time for, and something tells me I'll be getting A LOT of them. XD So please refrain from submitting things to me until that post is up.

As for a deadline, I don't know how long we should keep the submission period open. I wanted to know what everyone thought would be good--maybe until February or something? I think keeping it open after the holidays is important because I'm sure many people are as busy as I am.

Also, thus far the accepted media is hand-drawn art (both digital and traditional), graphic design & edits, cosplay, and fanfiction. If there's any more media that anyone thinks should be included, let me know and I'll create a form for it!

And do people wanna print this for sure? Cause I'll go make a Kickstarter page if that's the case.

Last but not least, would the mods of this LJ be interested in promoting this project? Sticking the post with the forms (once I make it) in the sidebar seems like it would certainly help people find it.

Anyway, I'll have the first ad/form post up soon~!

graphics: misc, news, fanworks: fanart, fanworks: fanfic, fanworks: other, discussion

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