Retrace 78 information (regarding Jack and Oz)

Oct 21, 2012 22:32

Although there's a transation for Retrace 78, I feel that the revelation regarding Jack and Oz is confusing which can be overlooked because of Gilbert and Oswald.

Here's whatever information I can gather and interpretation done by me after reading the Chinese scanlation and English translation. I hope you like my explanation since I aim to simplify the situation here. Discussion is welcome (:

Flashback points in chronological order
  • (around 100 years ago) When the power of B-Rabbit and the Core of the Abyss clashed, Jack's soul shattered and was rejected by the Abyss. [Arthur's records]
  • (around 75 years ago-100 years ago. Probably Jack's 2nd life.) A reborn Jack goes to Arthur Barma and tells him about his de-aging phenomenon together with his concerns. [Arthur's records]
  • (25-30 years ago. Almost at the beginning of Jack's third life.) Jack meets Zai. He tells Zai about B-Rabbit in his body as well as his own existence disappearing so he asks Zai to replace his child who will die prematurely with him. [Oz's memory]

Main points of Jack/Oz revelation (source is Oz) + my interpretation
  • Oz likens himself/Jack as a broken watch that ticks backwards.
    Originally I think it's like Benjamin Button, but it doesn't make sense since Oz did age normally. However, backwards can mean that after the hands in a clock makes a round, it goes back to 12.
    Therefore, I think that every time Jack is reborn, he ages until 25 years old (his age during the Tragedy). Afterwards, the cycle repeats. Basically Jack's body is in a loop physically. He had 4 lives so far with each life being 25 years long.
  • Summary of Jack's 4 lives (percentages are for fun and are no way very accurate):
    1st life lasted until around 100 years ago. (100% Jack)
    2nd life starts worrying about fading away and meets Arthur. (66% Jack)
    3rd life meets Zai intending to replace Zai's child. (33% Jack, 66% Oz)
    4th life is the Oz we all know. (negligible amount of Jack left, almost completely Oz)
  • Every time the cycle repeats, a bit of Jack's soul fragments disappears and go to Alice's lost memories. This is seen in n the current 4th life as Oz, there is very little Jack left in Oz for Oz/B-Rabbit can live as his own person. Jack knew this would happen in his 3rd life and asked Zai to replace his real child with Oz.

Extent of how much information is known by the characters
  • Oz: Knows everything since he is well, Jack's 4th life.
  • Rufus and Leo: Knows only whatever that is in Arthur's records
  • Vessalius family (Zai, Oscar and Ada): Knows only about Zai's encounter with Jack's 3rd life.
  • Intention of the Abyss (Alyss): Probably knows a little but IDK how much
  • Everyone else: Most probably nothing.

information, discussion

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