Caucus Race: The Story of The Vessaliuses-Golden Drops translation

Mar 30, 2012 12:22

Updated with the bet-ed version (both pdf and .doc file)

As promised, here's the translation for Golden Drops. Instead of posting the text directly like I did before, I have a habit to posting download links to the pdf file instead. If anyone prefers to read on the site directly instead or would like a .doc file, please let me know.

This has not been beta-read yet since my beta reader is rather busy and I would prefer not to keep anyone waiting. I did proof read it myself, but my English isn't the best. When the beta-ed version is given back to me, I will update the download link.

Anyway, here's the download link. Enjoy!
Mediafire (pdf file): Download
Mediafire (doc file): Download


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