Mar 01, 2006 16:43
I've been reading this really interesting book and it's raising some questions (for me), answer them from your point of view if you can:
1. What makes someone what, most would call, a "bad" person?
2. Are there genuinely "bad" people or are there just people who make a lot of bad decisions?
3. Is it just an individual's intent that determines the kind of person they are, or is it the end result of their actions? (i.e. something really awful happens/someone gets hurt because of something this individual does, regardless of their intent)?
4. Do you believe that anybody truly has "bad" intentions or do you believe that most people don't consider/or realize the harm that they could be doing?
5. What does it take for a person to be considered genuinely good? Is it just that the amount of good they do has to outweigh the bad? Does it all go back to intent?
6. Is there a "good" person in all of us, even if we are considered "bad"?
7. If someone is genuinely "bad" do they never feel guilt?
8. If someone does feel guilt, does it mean that they could potentially be "good" but flawed?
I have hundreds more, but I want to see if anyone answers these ones first. I'm interested in what other people think about this...
Thanks guys.