. . .but Alice stole the show.
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Context: Abney Park always grabs someone from the audience when they play "Airship Pirates" to hold the violin for Nathaniel, who needs to play both guitar and violin in the song. When they played at DNA Lounge they grabbed a little girl dressed like Alice to hold it. OMG YOU GUYS. SO ADORABLE. Everyone in the audience was cuted. She spent the first half of the song looking like she couldn't decide whether to be utterly petrified or really excited, then once the violin solo was over she started getting into it. The video cuts off before the end, but before she left the stage she was throwing the horns and giving people high fives (yours truly among them). Robert joked that he thought she was going to start crowdsurfing any second.)
(By the way, Robert is quite a bit larger than I expected him to be. It might just be that I've always seen him from a distance or in a teeny little Youtube video - I had the same reaction when I saw Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk in a non-Firefly context - but up close enough to get splashed by whatever rum concoction he was drinking, he's a freakin' giant.)