
Nov 01, 2010 08:38

So, today begins NaNo. And I have to work. :( So, handwriting it until I get home and can type it up. I kind of want to do two stories this year - a fanfic and and original. We'll have to see how the time goes.

I'll be starting with the fanfic. It's a Criminal Minds story. I've been getting into that show more lately, which is good and bad, since I have a writing bug for it, but I want to finish some of the Harry Potter fics I have started. What originally began as a crack pairing has suddenly turned very serious as I plot the story out and realised I love these two people together. I have the title, which can be half the battle sometimes - Peacocks and Grouses.

The original story, if I get to it, will be a take off on the Twa Sisters ballad, but with a twist. Also have that one quasi plotted out. I really hope that I can get to it before the month is out, but if not, I'll just work on it next month.

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