I do. Until then, have a Kris.
Naimia-- Adding a heavy techno backbeat makes it current huh? Le siiiiiiigh. At least JLo seems to be set on being constructive tonight... maybe? Cause Naima really has been pitchy as heck the last few weeks
Paul - Good gods in heaven give him a guitar! The flailing is getting to me.
Thia - Sing something besides a ballad! Although YAY Colors of the Wind. Tis a good song.
Douchebin - Yeah that's terrible... And the pyro at the end.... why are you trying so hard? Just STOP and I might like you better. No promises.
Haley - I can't understand a word she's singing.
Stefano - Funky Cold Medina would have been better. And he likes to show us his molars geez.
Pia - Another ballady type song from Pia. With a terrible arrangement behind her. And wearing a white satin jumpsuit... thing.
Scotty - LOL his momma called him a chunky monkey XDDDD His parents are so presh. And vocally he's my favorite behind Casey.
Karen - LOL what's up with her hair? And her outfit? But yay for not singing a spanish song? I guess? But it's a boring ballad again! AND FUCK she haaaaaad to put the Spanish in at the end...
Casey - Really wanted to like it. And I do. To a point. Casey is entertaining as fuck on that stage. Not gonna deny that. And to do a Nirvana song takes some balls. Did he do it right? No. The vocal was kind of a mess. And don't get me started on the serial killer lighting. But him, Paul and James seem to be the polarizing contestants in the same vein as Adam this year. You're either going to like them and vote for them, or not, regardless of what they do. And he played his electric bass! This means Paul, grab your damned guitar already!
Lauren - IMO best of the girls tonight. Can't believe I wrote that, cause Lauren is not my favorite.
Jacob - Really, if he had boobs I'd be tired of his voice. His voice has the same tonal quality to me that a girl's does. It's GOOD, but not any reason for him to stay past Top 4 maybe.