Cause every time I do? My day goes to shit. Bonafied crap.
I get to work and bossman is already there. My day NEVER has a chance of going well if bossman is there before I am. I walk in and already a job has gone off the rails. For a client I absolutely LOATHE and want as little to do with as possible. He wears what seems to be a full bottle of cologne and is stupider than pet rock on a good day. (Funny thing about pet rock... he almost got fired Friday. Heh.)
Two jobs that were supposedly finished needed to get reprinted for really stupid stupid errors. And another job that I would have realized was never finished if a certain bossman had never REORGANIZED MY WHOLE DESK on the day I was off (does anyone else's boss do that?) had to get printed. Because it was supposed to be done two weeks ago and since my desk had been reorganized I never realized it had never been done in the first place. Thankfully the guy was really really nice (and super hot) so he didn't mind so much.
Bossman also interviewed somebody today... for a phantom position. And I've officially gotten confirmation that he's not going to hire somebody in the foreseeable future. Which sucks because in the last two weeks I've officially come to the mind that I do enough for three people. And when bossman isn't around its more like 4.
Didn't have something to eat for "lunch" til 4pm since three "emergencies" pop up right as I want to leave. Never fails really.
Had to stay late to do designs for a stupid client who had no idea what she wanted so I made a bunch of different things and sent them to her to see if any of it sticks. Probably won't.
Finally came home and I spilled a full soda on the rug, by knocking my knee into my coffee table.
And then I read this:
RIP Andy Hallett :( ... But at least Heroes was decent, and dare I say it, good? I am a sucker for Petrelli dysfunction being front and center.
And am I missing something? Because from what I can gather DC corner of the AI fandom needs to calm down a bit me thinks. Boy had to take a few days off, world ain't coming to an end... yet.