Episode 1: The One with the First Post

Jul 16, 2007 19:31

Right, so this is me, posting my first post since I've decided to blog again. Probably because I'm a loser. But I find myself with time, and things to say (on occasion), so I might as well just whine and moan to an online journal that anybody could read. If I say anything phenomenally profound, please feel free to be amazed.

But honestly, more than type, I want to do this LiveJournal call in and talk and do a voice post thing. It'd be good to explain this whacked out dream I had last night. And when I say whacked, I mean whacked.

Work was really... slow today. Not that the day was long (it rarely is), but there wasn't too much to do. Probably because we're over the first session and it wasn't a newsletter Monday, and it was a Monday in general. Mondays seem to be fairly uninteresting. Maybe I'll go watch more Sailor Moon episodes on YouTube or something else completely mundane. I probably should drive to the library and pick up the books there and deposit my checks, but I'm too lazy. Plus my car is dead and my mother has some HUGE issue with me driving her car.

Yeah, about that hunk of garbage. So Steve and I went to Wicked on Saturday (which was even more amazing the second time). When we got back to the parking structure, I couldn't get the car to start at first. Then it did, and everything was great and happy. We went to dinner, which was nice, and planned to go to Harry Potter after that; that would have worked, but, once again, my car wouldn't start. We tightened the bolts on the battery, since that needs to be done every so often, and it finally started. However, the breaks barely worked, smoke came puffing out of the exhaust pipe, the steering wheel wouldn't turn unless I threw myself into the direction I wanted it to move, AND when I attempted to accelerate, the car said "Screw you" and wouldn't. When I accelerated from 20 to 30, the RPM jumped from two thousand to five thousand RPM. Bad news right there. The compression in the engine is shot, and the people working on the car don't know why. Not happy.

No, I'm sorry. I don't own any pants.

Take that as you will.
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