(no subject)

Jan 03, 2008 13:51

o.o I haven't posted in, like, forever.

Well. 2007 is over. I suppose I should look back over the year and reminisce, but anyone who knows me well knows that the past is the past with me, and it has little bearing on the future. What's done is done; one can't change it. Oooh, philosophy from me, and so early in the year at that!

I spent the Christmas holiday in Minnesota, sick as a dog. I had no voice and a fever. It was great. Especially spending "not Christmas Eve" with the family we went to visit. Every Christmas Eve, my mom's side of the family (her two brothers, sister and sometimes us) gets together. We eat and exchange presents and have a merry time. But my mom's twin brother's family were... well. They generally are always shits, but it was worse so this time. Every time someone mentioned anything about Christmas, they were like "But it's not really Christmas because it's not Christmas Eve. This is a fake Christmas Eve." The whole get-together was moved because my Aunt Kris has to work on Christmas Eve--she's an ER nurse--and my family wasn't going to be able to make it. I thew something at Blake eventually, because he just got to be too much. Then I fell asleep on the couch. We stayed there from Saturday to Monday; driving home was fun. It snowed SO BAD there. There were trucks and cars littering the side of the highway and in ditches. Sca~ary.

For Christmas, I got a Bluetooth headset (hell yeah!), a toaster for the apartment, a mixer for the apartment (I LOVE MY MIXER, OMFGBBG!), an awesome sewing kit to repair ripped clothes, the Sims 2, Die Hard 3 and 4 (GO DIE HARD!! WHOOO BRUCE WILLIS), some nifty pens, a gorgeous ornament and... oh, and pajamas. Cute ones. Albeit the white top is completely see-thru. So I hide under my uber sexy 3 West hoodie that I made. It's sweet.

Otherwise, I've been sitting at home most of the break. It's been nice. I haven't been feeling that great, and it was awesome to just destress. My TMJ has been bothering me, and my shoulder a bit, too. Combined, I get MASSIVE migraines from the two. Watching the Bowl Games with mah padre has been great. V.T. v. Kansas tonight--GO V.T.!! I've also taken to writing fanfiction again, mostly because I can't figure out what to do with Moonless Age. Something's not quite right in that story, not yet, and I need to figure out what it is. Ah, well. *toasts* Here's to Sesshoumaru/Kagome smut, sociopathic Sailor Moon villains, and disaffected college students who just really don't want a Pokemon adventure of their very own.

Oh, and another thing? The next 13 year old who speaks Wapanese to me dies.


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