[FANFIC] The Shadows of the Past (Chapter V)

Nov 18, 2011 17:36

Title: The Shadows of the Past
Author: Pandora_yk
Pairings: Yamachii (main) Yamarioka (onesided) Inoobu (married) Okajima (slight) “all JUMP members are in this story!!!” >,<~
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance, Investigation, Crime

Warning: Chii, Inoo, Yuto, Ryutaro are girls in this story!!! >,<~
Summary: Yuri is a professional killer when she was young but she change now but she was forced by her father to do the final mission even she want to change she must obey her father but in her last mission a accident happened and lost her memories.
Chapter V ~ Yuri’s First day outside the Hospital
Daiki: Ryosuke said that I must be silent about that but you are my friends so I will say to you what I know. Yuri is the daughter of the famous business man Yuya Takaki he have many companies all over the world but the one thing I’ve been thinking is she didn’t use his father’s username and if she is the daughter of a rich man way didn’t her father visit her here in Japan or even some of their servants to look for Yuri.
Yuto: Yes, that’s really weird.
            The morning Ryosuke woke up and shock to see Yuri is isn’t in her bed. So he hurriedly finds her suddenly the restrooms door open but he was shock to see it is Yuri but she isn’t wearing a hospital clothes.
Ryosuke: Why do you change clothes?
            When suddenly a noisy voice is heard of course who else would that be?
Inoo: Ohayo Ryo Chan!!!
Ryosuke: Why is she not wearing a hospital’s clothes?
Inoo: Why isn’t she so cute when she wears a dress?
Ryosuke: (irritated) Onee Chan.
Inoo: Ok, fine she is now discharge in the hospital.
Ryosuke: That quick?
Yuri: The doctor said that my injuries healed quickly.
Inoo: So we are going home!!! Come Ryo Chan it’s time for us to go home for you to change clothes and go to school and Yuri will walk you to school.
Ryosuke: What?! But she just has discharge in the hospital she must rest first and it’s dangerous for her to leave home!
 Inoo: But she will have a business at your school.
Ryosuke: What kind of business?
            And again Yuri just watches the two while arguing and after a few moments they leave in the hospital and after a few minutes they have arrived at Yamada’s house and they get in inside the house Yuri is amazed of the cleanliness of the house and it have a just right space for them three and Ryosuke immediately wear an apron and cook breakfast while Inoo just sitting slouch in the sofa and watching TV.
Inoo: Yuri sit here beside me and be feel at home.
 Yuri: Maybe I will just help Ryosuke at the chores.
Inoo: Iie! Do you remember our agreement and one more thing Ryosuke didn’t want helping him in the chores because when I help him I always get scold by him. So I don’t ever dare to do it again.
Yuri: Ok.
            In just a minute breakfast is ready and it looks like so delicious and also it is the first time to Yuri to eat a Japanese style breakfast.
Inoo: Itadakimasu! Ne Ryo Chan do you want to know what will Yuri will do at your school.
Ryosuke: Of course it’s my school.
Inoo: She will going to an interview because she will study in your school.
Ryosuke: Ehhhhh?!
Inoo: Yuri will have more protection in your school than here at home.
Ryosuke: In some way your right.
            Then the two suddenly notice that Yuri isn’t eating her breakfast.
Inoo: Do you have a problem Yuri? You can tell me if you have.
Yuri: Ano, I never have been eaten a Japanese style breakfast.
Inoo: Ahhhh, right you’re from Europe so usually you eat at breakfast is bread and tea.
Yuri: Hai.
Ryosuke: But you’re in Japan so you must eat a Japanese style breakfast.
Inoo: OI! Ryo Chan don’t be so rude to Yuri.
Yuri: Iie, Yamada is right I must eat this it’s such a waste if I didn’t.
            Then Yuri eats the misou soup with rice.
Yuri: Suge! This is delicious!!!
Inoo: Of course Ryo Chan cook it! But Ryo Chan isn’t you two going to be late at school?
Ryosuke: Ohhhhhhh! I forgot!
            Then Ryosuke grab Yuri’s hand and run.
Inoo: Bye Bye!!! This will be a great experience for us two I wish Yabu can see Ryo Chan now he’s so happy because of Yuri he just doesn’t show it. Ahhhh!!! (Stretching) So I must wash the dishes today.
            Then the two stop when they were close at the school.
Yuri: Why did you suddenly grab my hand without a permission I’m not done eating and Onee Chan said that I will walk you to school not run!
Ryosuke: Demo!!! We will be late!!!
Yuri: And will you please let of me?!
Ryosuke: (while blushing) Ano there I let go now your hand so can we go now?!
Yuri: I will go alone!
Ryosuke: You will be lost don’t you afraid of being lost?!
            But Yuri just ignores him and when she sees a guy with the same uniform.
Yuri: Eto, can you help me I’m lost and I don’t know where is Seiko High School can you tell where do I need to go to go there?
Guy: (blushing because of cuteness of Yuri) Ano, just straight there and you will see Seiko High School.
Yuri: Arigatou ne~! Bye bye.
Guy: Ummmm…. Miss are you going to study there?
Yuri: Hai, why did you ask?
Guy: Can I have your phone number?
Yuri: (pointing at Ryosuke) But I have a bodyguard there that is also studying there and he is good at karate and he can easily broke your bone. What did you say again?
Guy: Ahhhh, Nandemonai.
            Then Yuri just continued walking but Ryosuke chased her.
Ryosuke: OI, what did you say to that guy I know that he wants to get your number how did you make him go away?
Yuri: Girls have a tactics that boys didn’t know.
            Ryosuke just show a questioned face and in a while they at last arrived at the school and Yuri is so shock to see there are many girls that are in the gate like they are waiting someone. And when they came in the girls are suddenly turns into a wild fan girl mode but when the girls see Yuri beside Ryosuke the girls start to cry and run into their rooms.
Yuri:  Why did they cry?
Yuto: They are fans of Yamada. Don’t you know Yamada is the prince of Seiko High?
Yuri: Really this bad tempered guy?
Daiki: Hai.
Keito: Why did you do that to your fans Yamada?
Ryosuke: Let them be. But why did they cry?
Yuto: Don’t you get it? It’s because of Yuri but by the way Yuri you has discharge in the hospital that quick?
Keito: And why are you here?
            But when Yuri is about to talk Ryosuke suddenly talk for Yuri.
Ryosuke: The doctor gives her permission to go home and she will study here.
Yuri: OI! I can talk for myself!!!
Yuto: (while Ryosuke and Yuri arguing) they are really close.
            But in the other side Daiki seems hurt and silent when she sees the two really are so close……………
~ To Be Continued! ~

romance, crime, investigation

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