[FANFIC] The Shadows of the Past (Chapter XII)

Feb 14, 2012 17:42

Title: The Shadows of the Past

Author: Pandora_yk

Pairings: Yamachii (main) Yamarioka (onesided) Inoobu (married) Okajima (slight) “all JUMP members are in this story!!!” >,<~

Rating: PG

Genre: Romance, Investigation, Crime

Warning: Chii, Inoo, Yuto, Ryutaro are girls in this story!!! >,<~

Summary: Yuri is a professional killer when she was young but she change now but she was forced by her father to do the final mission even she want to change she must obey her father but in her last mission a accident happened and lost her memories.

Chapter XII ~ The Last Fight

Then suddenly Keito received a smack on his head from Yuto that make him scream in pain.

Keito: ITTAI!!! Why did you do that?!

Yuto: It’s a punishment for looking to other girls!!!

Keito: Hounto ni gomenasai Yuti!!!!

Yuto: Ok! (Suddenly hug Keito)

Daiki: Eto? Do I need to know something?

Then Ryosuke explained that Yuto and Keito have a relationship since last week.

Daiki: Congratulations Yuti and Keito.

Ryosuke: Aren’t you feeling unfair that they didn’t say to us immediately?!

Daiki: I just want them to be happy.

Yuto: See Yama chan really is still childish while Dai chan is mature!

But the two boys aren’t listening because they are talking to Daiki.

Yuto: OI! Listen to me!!!

Ryosuke: Oh, sorry Yuti. By the way what are we talking about Daiki?

Daiki: Oh, about Yuri she’s shy so she wants to go down last. Look there she is.

The two boys are focused on Yuri while going down but suddenly disappointed expressions have shown in the two boys.

Yuri: Doshitano?

Ryosuke: (pouting his lips) Nandemonai!

Yuri: Why are you disappointed of what I wear?

Ryosuke: Who is not going to disappointed Yuti and Daiki are wearing a two piece but you look at you! You’re wearing a jacket!

Yuri: Demo!!! I will take it off in the beach for your request.

Ryosuke: But you must be in my side only because if they see my cute and slim Yuri they will be running to get your heart but sorry for them I have it first and It will never be in the other guys hands.

Yuto: Haaa… so sweet!!!

Keito: But Ryosuke is right it’s kinda disappointing at our side.

Then another smack Keito received from Yuto.

Keito: Hounto ni gomenasai Yuti my love!!!!

Yuto: Come on girls let us these pervert boys here.

So they got o the beach while the boys came running specially Ryosuke. Ryosuke hurriedly grab Yuri’s hand and they hold hands while walking. He’s to secure to Yuri.  When they found a nice place to put their things the others swim except Ryosuke and Yuri.

Ryosuke: Yuri you must do you’re promise!

Yuri: Ok, fine I will take off my jacket.

And when Yuri takes off her jacket Ryosuke’s jaws fell down in the sand because Yuri is so beautiful with her two piece swimsuit even its kinda conservative its looks elegant to Yuri. She is wearing black with white ruffles. And she has a body of a slim but not that slim like Yuto or for short can be a Miss Japan because of her statistics.

Yuri: (while blushing in embarrassment) why are you staring like that? Don’t stare like that its so embarrassing!

Yuto: Doshitano Yama chan?

Daiki: Are you two pervert boys are amazed of her perfect body ne?

Yuto and Daiki are right. So Ryosuke just go in swimming to control himself.

Yuri: Eto, did I hurt Ryosuke?

Keito: Iie don’t worry it’s a boys business why is he’s like that.

Then suddenly another smack from Yuto received Keito. Poor Keito being smack many times of Yuto because of being pervert, is it really about that?

Keito: What is this time about Yuti?

Yuto: You’ve been blabbering all the time that it’s a boys business if it’s not business it’s thing!!!

Daiki: Yuti is right what really is it?

Keito: Let just eat can we?

Yuto: (sigh) never mind. Ok let’s eat come Yuri.

But Yuri has left to follow Ryosuke. In the other side Yuri swim and swim to find Ryosuke at last she found Ryosuke in a rock.

Yuri: Why did you leave Ryosuke?

Ryosuke: I have to control it.

Yuri: Control what?! If you don’t want what I wear because other guys will stare at me ok I will not wear this again. But I only wear this for you. For you to look at me as an attractive person not just someone who is just wear anything.

Ryosuke: I’m attracted to since we met but now I can’t hold it anymore.

Yuri: What can’t yo…

But before she finished her sentence Ryosuke hug her stomach and lick her neck. So Yuri moan, but Ryosuke suddenly stop because he respects Yuri so he controls again his junior.

Ryosuke: I love you and I respect you I know that you aren’t ready for this thing. So I respect it.

Yuri: Thank you Ryosuke. Because I only can give you my lips to kiss, my body to hug and my hand to hold but I will prepare myself. But if you want now I will not stop you.

Ryosuke: Are you sure about it?

Then Ryosuke pull closer Yuri and then they kissed and second by second it became deeper. But suddenly they stop because Yuri is sensing someone. Then a knife is thrown to them but Yuri is stiff enough to catch it. Then many ninjas appear and took Ryosuke.

Yuri: Ryosuke!!! Bring him back or you will regret it!

Mysterious man: Are you sure? I’m stronger than you!

Yuri: Who are you?

Mysterious man: Are you sure you don’t know me?

Yuri: Father?

Takaki: Very wise my daughter!

Yuri: Give him back father.

Takaki: Are you sure you only want him I have three more there. Her precious sister, his brother and the idiot assistant of his sister so now are you sure?

Yuri: What do you want?

Takaki: I want them to die they know our secret so I must kill them and that supposed to be your mission but you didn’t do it so now I will kill them without any trace!

Then the ninjas have gone with Ryosuke and Takaki. Then a paper came falling from the air.

*we will go to meet at the sunflower fields go there and I will brought your friends and your love one meet me before the sunset. Yuya Takaki.

So Yuri immediately go back to the hotel and tell Yuto, Daiki and Keito what happened so Yuri change clothes and bring with her the things she uses to kill people or her weapons. While Yuto, Daiki and Keito calls for a back up of police and when the sun is starting to go down Yuri go to the sunflower fields and there she meet with Takaki and Ryosuke, Inoo, Yabu and Hikaru.

Takaki: Are you ready to be killed and your friends too?

Yuri: You and your ninjas will be killed today not us.

Takaki: How can you do that? If you only one that is fighting with us.

Yuri: You really don’t know me. I’m stronger than you know.

When Yuri said that Takaki became angry and then he command to the ninjas to attack Yuri. So Yuri take out her samurai and slash all the ninjas, she stab the other one in the back the others on the heart and the other she slash their necks.

Takaki: How can?

And Yuri finished all the ninjas in just a minute and the yellow sunflowers that surround Yuri stain with blood and her white kimono became red because of the blood and her samurai too. When suddenly a ninja shoot her a small arrow that have a poison to it in just a second the her left hand that the arrow have struck been paralyzed so Takaki have a chance to defeat her but even her left hand been paralyzed she fights with Takaki with all of her strength but her body can fight anymore because of the poison so she’s been slash in her right arm, her stomach, her back and her left feet. Yamada can’t take it anymore so he struggle until the rope that have been tied to him is broken and then he grab the samurai that Yuri have and fight over Takaki.

Takaki: You’re a brave one. But your braveness can’t save you!

So Takaki slash Ryosuke on his back and chest and punch him in the stomach that makes Ryosuke to fell on the ground beside Yuri. When Yuri sees what happened it make her so angry that make her back to her original killer mode.


Takaki: Hah! Do you think that if you can back to your killer mode you will kill me? Are you really making me laugh?!


Then Yuri grabs her samurai and attack Takaki that looks like she’s not injured. But first she runs towards the ninja who shoot her and kill it with a scary face and out of control. When Ryosuke sees it he screams to wake up Yuri.

Ryosuke: STOP IT YURI!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE STOP IT NOW!!!!!!!!

After that Yuri has turned back to reality and see a dreadful scene in front of her and she do it by her own hands again. She kills again merciless.

Yuri: What have I done?!

Then she cries so again Takaki have a chance to kill her he grabs his sword and point it to Yuri’s chest……

~ To Be Continued! ~

N/A: Minna! Domo arigatou for commenting!!! I really appreciate it even it’s about my epic errors. I will do my best to improve! Again domo arigatou!

romance, crime, investigation

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