Nov 12, 2008 14:59
Yes, the Secret Service should be continuously looking into more fuel efficient vehicles. From what I've been reading, however, it doesn't sound as though it is easy to achieve high fuel efficiency for heavily armored vehicles, currently. I'll have to look into it more. For all we know, Obama is already looking into it.
I'm not calling the people who are complaining about this ignorant because of their opinion, but because they only know part of the story. Lack of knowledge = ignorance. Even I am still ignorant of all of the facts in this story. The difference with them is that they are willfully ignorant. I heard people at work talking about it this morning. I thought that it sounded fishy, so I did a little research on my break. Just as I had suspected, the right wing media has been spinning this story to sound as if Obama chose this car as an overt status symbol.