Application for Abax

Nov 05, 2011 00:35

player information.

name: Ashe
age: 22
personal lj: batsu_espada
email/msn/aim/plurk/etc: aim: nevra solstice, plurk: asheling
characters in abax: None :V but I have another app

in character information.

series: Daughters of the Moon
name: Vanessa Cleveland
age: 17
height: 5'6”
weight: 120 lbs
canon point: The Final Eclipse, book 13, end of chapter 26.

Vanessa's history can get a little complicated.

It all begins about 600 years before her birth. A young woman, about fifteen years of age, can be seen running through the dark in clothes not fit for the time period, her skin sparkling against the tiny bit of moonlight available, a young boy clutched in her arms and a large shadow chasing them down. Thus begins Vanessa's destiny for the future. The being chasing the two down is the most ancient evil in existence: The Atrox. But this will all come together shortly.

Vanessa's childhood was marked by the place where she grew up, the lights and glamor of Los Angeles. She is the daughter of a Hollywood stuntman and a fashion designer, although by no means did the Cleveland family live by the standards of the rich and glamorous. They lived in relative happiness until the year Vanessa was five. That was 
the year her father died in a stunt accident.

It was around this same time that Vanessa began to notice weird things about herself, like how her mother would search the house for her, even though she was right there. In another few years, she would discover that she had the power to turn invisible, which completely terrified her. There was only one person that Vanessa trusted this secret to: her childhood best friend, Catty, who also had a strange ability. On Vanessa's eighth birthday, she turned both of them invisible, which had disastrous results-Vanessa didn't know how to bring her molecules together again until the extreme emotional distress forced her body to form again, although for a moment, her friend's hand did not materialize-and caused Vanessa to believe that her ability was a horrible and freaky thing. It was not normal.

For years after that incident, Vanessa did her best to not use her power, even though Catty always encouraged her to do it. Then, when both girls were fifteen, strange things began happening to Vanessa. She felt like she was being watched at all times, she had horrible nightmares, and there were these strange people she kept running into. It wasn't until Catty was kidnapped that Vanessa was taken to a woman by two other girls and learned the truth about herself: Vanessa and Catty weren't freaks, or aliens, or anything like that. The truth was, they and the other two girls, were goddesses. Daughters of the Moon. Selene, the goddess of the moon, had seen the horrors released from Pandora's Box and how the Atrox used it to harm the people, but there was one last thing that had emerged: hope. In order to protect the world, Selene had given her mortal daughters to protect them. In order to save Catty's life, Vanessa had to trust a Follower, one of the bad guys, and in doing so he trapped her in his memories, which is sort of like time traveling. As a boy in the early 1200s, the Follower had been kidnapped by the Atrox. She had tried to save him. Because of this act of kindness, Stanton-the Follower-could no longer attempt to harm her himself. Another event arose from this brief stint in the past: The Atrox decided that it needed to have Vanessa and bound her fate to itself, although she remained ignorant of this fact for a couple of years.

The next year and a half were marked by battles, death, and general teenage girl angst.

On the cusp of her sixteenth birthday, a string of disappearances and the warning that a demon had come to Earth led the Daughters into an investigation of these matters at an underground dance club, where girls danced for dollars. Here was where Vanessa met Hector, a charming, beautiful, and mysterious man with whom she felt an immediate connection to. He made her feel like a different person, wild and more open than she had ever been, even with her boyfriend. But Hector turned out to be the demon they were searching for, and Vanessa turned out to be the girl that he wanted to make as his bride. He told her that her good girl act didn't fool him, because in fact, she was really a Daughter of Pandora. It was her destiny to bring another flood of chaos into the world and utterly change it forever. Eventually, however, she ended up freeing him from his shackles to the Atrox at great risk to enslaving herself, and Hector died.

Another great turning point would be after Tianna, the fifth Daughter of the Moon, ended up sacrificing her life to seal the Atrox back into its shadow form. Vanessa and the other two remaining Daughters, Serena and Catty, end up trapped in Nefandus, the sinister world the Atrox created adjacent to Earth. While Catty ended up joining her father and pretending to be evil in order to fulfill her destiny, Vanessa and Serena end up spending a long amount of time as prisoners. When they do escape, only Vanessa manages to get away and finds out that it's only a week before her seventeenth birthday. The moon has all but disappeared on Earth, thanks to the Daughters being nearly destroyed. To sum it up, Vanessa ends up going back to save Catty and Serena, only to find out from the Fates that the Atrox had changed her destiny. She was always destined to be its warrior, its lapdog, forever wishing it would love her in return. She is woken from this mind hold, able to defeat those false feelings in time to see Catty sacrifice her own life to destroy the Atrox. She couldn't save her best friend. But the end of the Atrox was not the end of the battle; there was still Catty's father to go up against. It seemed impossible to defeat an Immortal, but the Fates had woven that Vanessa would use a great and fearsome power, and her negative emotions were like a blasting force that brought the being to his knees.

Adamantis escaped, and Serena and Stanton decided to close off Nefandus from Earth, ushering Vanessa out as quickly as possible.

Vanessa's lifestyle and events as a child have really marked her. She believes that she is a freak and will do almost anything possible to be normal and is what is considered a “goody two-shoes”. Everything that she does is done in careful consideration of other people and not her own feelings. While she would like to get angry and yell at people, she represses that part of herself in order to be exactly what she believes that everyone wants. Because of this trait in her personality, Vanessa can easily be walked on by people of a stronger personality. She protests, but they usually fall on deaf ears.

Vanessa is also quite brilliant. She earns some of the top grades in her class, pushing herself to be the best because she believes that it's what society and her mother expect of her, even though there has never been anything said to her along these lines. Still, she will apply herself to almost any task she is assigned to.

Even though a lot of her personality is marked by control, there are a few things that Vanessa dips into that affects her. One is anything that can be seen as embarrassing. Her emotions can get the better of her, and that causes her power to go crazy (for example, the time she tried to kiss a boy she was dating and began to go invisible). Another is her passion for singing. She loves to be on stage. It's one of the few things Vanessa indulges in that allows her to be wild and passionate. And while she may not believe it herself, she can be very brave, often putting her life on the line for those she feels are in danger.

Still, because Vanessa denies herself often, these traits come out in very undesirable ways. She's flip-flopped in her relationship with her on-and-off-again boyfriend so many times, even though she claims to “love” him. She's desperate for people to notice her and like her, that she doesn't allow herself to be herself: a force of destruction. It can make her slightly erratic. Basically, Vanessa has very little self-esteem and little to no confidence in herself, though she's more open about her anger when there's a righteous cause for it. Over time, and through the goddess and her friends, Vanessa has learned that it's okay to be free and not hold to yourself up to standards that nobody is forcing on you. It's not a balance, but at least there's a start.

Vanessa is also incredibly brave. She tends to throw herself into dangerous situations without thought to her own safety, because other people are in trouble. She even attempts to help those that are supposed to be the bad guys. A few examples would include the time she tried to stop Cassandra from cutting herself, when she attempted to rescue Stanton from the Atrox when he was a child, throwing herself to the wolves so to speak in order to get Catty back, and even risking her own life and freedom to release a demon intent on kidnapping her from his chains.

Invisibility! And this little “Force Shove” sort of ability. Basically, Vanessa is able to manipulate her molecules. By pulling them apart, she essentially turns invisible. If she touches other people, she can also turn them invisible. This also works on objects. The Force Shove is something new she's just discovered, and as far as she realizes, it only works when her emotions overload and she allows all of her anger and pain out, firing up the molecules in the air around her and using them as an attack.

Vanessa has a floral tattoo on her chest, left side, above the heart. It's very archaic looking and is actually a protection spell woven into her skin. It's meant to protect her from the power of demons, but it's been known to work as a shield against other mental attacks. Unfortunately, that's all it's able to protect her from.

first person sample:
[There is a very frightened young woman staring into the camera, blue eyes wide.] This isn't possible. It can't be. This is all just a bad dream. I've dealt with nightmares before, so it's okay. Yeah. I just went through some traumatic experiences, and of course I would be experiencing some crazy side effects from that. It's all just catching up to me. All... two years of those traumatic experiences.

[She quiets for a second before breathing out a sigh. Her arms drop, and with it goes the cell phone. If one strains enough, they might notice that the street can be seen through her legs.] Happy birthday, Vanessa. Just what you always wanted on this day.

third person sample: A log from Wonderland Wars

**RP samples from previous games may be linked.

case no: surprise me!

!ooc, !application

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