Now that I've watched 'Secrets', I have a few thoughts as to who/what 'the Mole' is. I honestly don't think that it's anyone willingly. I don't believe any of them are traitors. But I doubt that the creators would set up the whole 'Mole' plot line and have it just be Sports-Master causing dissent. Especially now that they've brought it up again after 'Humanity'. From a strictly technical point of view, it doesn't make sense.
Here are my theories on the matter of the mole, and the team's secrets in general.
Robin's out. I HIGHLY doubt that he's the mole in any way, shape, or form. There's no evidence against him, for one thing. And that pout when Kaldur was saying that he didn't believe there was a mole? I think he wanted very much to believe Kaldur, but as someone raised by the super-suspicious Batman, he couldn't let himself let go of the possibility. Because seriously, who actually wants to be suspicious of their friends?
KF is out for similar reasons, there is just not enough suspect activity or possible foreshadowing (again, this is from a technical point of view, as if it is Wally and there was no build up, it would look like it came out of nowhere). Kaldur is only slightly less above suspicion, because he does have a few moments that give me pause (ex: the frown at the end of Alpha Male), though I can interpret those as him not wanting to be leader.
So then we get to the big three. Artemis, Superboy, and Miss Martian.
Artemis, despite (or perhaps because of) being the obvious choice early on in the show, has pretty much been crossed of my list of suspects. Quite frankly, I never thought she was the mole, because it seemed way too obvious. And now she seems to be proving me right. And even if the creators want to pull a double subversion on us, I don't think that she is on the Light's side at the moment.
With what we've seen in the show and in the comics, he motives seem quite clear. She wants to be a hero (even if it is to get back at her Dad), she wants to escape her family's grip, and she doesn't want her team to know about her past, because she thinks they'll mistrust/judge her. Oh, and she cares about the team as if they were her real family. All of that is pretty explicitly stated on screen. If she's been betraying the team, I'll eat my hat.
Nevertheless, I can actually see Sports-Master referencing Artemis when he talks about an inside source, and I can see that going a few ways:
Consider, that in the tie-in comic that shows us Artemis's "origin-story", Sports-Master tells Paula "Baby, you're kiddin' yourself if you think you can save Artemis from the life... she's one of us."
Lawrence may honestly believe that he has an ally in Artemis. But then why would he give her away like that? If you have a mole on your enemies, the last thing you should do is call attention to it.
More likely, I think, is that there isn't a mole at all, and it was a gambit to get Artemis back. Perhaps he was hoping that, by stirring up suspicion amongst the Team, it would lead them to discovering Artemis's secret. Then, having lied to them and having quite an obvious motive to betray them, they would reject her. After that, all Lawrence would have to do is go to her, and tell her that while they might not care for her, he always has. You don't belong with those heroes, kiddo. They threw you out after they found out who you really were. But I'll always be there for you. Why don't you come home?
Of course, there's always M'Gann. And with her increasingly shady background she's looking like a more likely candidate every day.
These are the facts against her:
-She clearly lied about her origin to the team in the tie in comic
--She wasn't "closest" to Uncle J'onn, but only met him around five months ago (Just before the start of the show!!)
--She stowed away on his ship, there was no 'competition', and it wasn't J'onn's idea for her to come with.
-Let's face it, she's a White Martian. (I'll get more into that later)
So yeah, she's looking more and more suspicious as time goes on. But there are a few holes in the theory that she's the mole. For one thing, I can't think of anyone in the Light's line-up who would have had access to her before she came to earth. I just don't see how she could be working for them. (Also, there's the fact that her love for the Team nearly KILLED all of them.)
But then what's with all of the suspicious behavior? I have a few theories, and none of them have anything to do with our illustrious Illuminati-wannabees, and everything to do with White Martians.
One small, but I think very important moment happened in "Secrets". While Marvin is setting up his big Halloween prank, Mr. Carr calms everyone by referring to Martian Manhunter, and saying "Martians aren't hostile." M'gann is quick to agree, but then looks worriedly up at the ceiling. And she's the first to jump up and suggest contacting the cave when Marvin pretends that the Martians are invading. It's entirely possible that she is thinking that it's another group of aliens merely mistaken for Martians... but I think it's equally possible that she's thinking of White Martians.
M'gann told us that White Martians were treated poorly and ostracized. Maybe that's true and maybe it isn't... but that doesn't necessarily mean that they are innocent. Maybe the White Martians are tired with how they're being treated, and are looking to strike back, or see taking over earth as a way to get their own planet where they don't have to be 'lesser'. It might not even be all of them, just some radical groups. M'gann could have been sent ahead as a scout for them, or, more likely in my opinion, she just doesn't want to deal with that baggage with Manhunter and the people of earth.
Interesting things to consider: M'gann obviously feels true affection for her "Uncle"... and more importantly, when she lost six months of her memories, she was still referring to him as "Uncle". This would be, according to Roy, before they met. Is she only half-white? We do have a lot of bi-racial people on the show...
And then we have Superboy. And even though Batman kind of spelled it out for us, I do think it's a very real possibility that Cadmus did something to his head that we don't know about. He could very easily be a sleeper agent, and the Light have gone on and on about how Superboy might be even more useful to them now... and I can absolutely see them having a bunch of Failsafes in place for him. I do think that the show is going to do something with that, and have Conner be more dangerous to the team than he knows, but... him as an all-out mole? Don't see it. Even just his feeding them info without knowing it... I still don't see why the HELL Spertsmaster would tip Kaldur off.
So all in all, I see Superboy and Miss Martian both being potentially dangerous (or tied to the danger) in the future, but I'm not sure about it being explicitly connected to 'the mole' or 'the Light'. And I do honestly believe that they care about their team, and wouldn't betray them willingly. Actually, the more I think about it, the more I think that it's Sports-Master trying to manipulate his daughter.
Of course, the creators might throw us a Curve Ball and have it be someone else entirely. I'll probably end up changing my theories as time goes on. But for now, I'm pretty sure.
If anyone's still reading after that massive wall of text, feel free to share your thoughts! Anything you agreed with? Anything you thought was just wrong? Feel free to let me know!