Jan 25, 2005 21:50
guys! its australia day tomorrow! guess who cant wait?? :)me
im sooo ghay~
well today zoe and lisa and kirsty came over we bummed round & looked for food im my kitchen, we managed to make some stuff..as always it cinsisted of noodles!! heaps good.
zoe cut me and kirstys hair. she got her fringe trimmed nicley and i got a trim and a fringe ill post a pic up in a second!! but yeh tomorrow is aussie day, all you cunts have a snag and some tomatao/BBQ sauce you have to!!! If not EAT A PIE oh and some WATERMELON! should be grand shit! THEN HOPEFULLY ZOE LISA AND KIRSTY ;) WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH!!
my aim is to get drunk and watch the fireworks.. cause i love them there sooo cool! ALYSHA LOVES FIREWORKS!
AND MOVEY!! im thinking of putting silver streaks in my hair.. cant waittttttttttttttt ill do it after all these celebrations!! shushka theres soo much! cant keep up with it! my birthday is in like 2 months WOAH!! 18 here i come LUCKY LAST ;)
i want to watch law and order, but i dont know when its on?? mons and wed and thurs? anyway
ive got a picture but im not gonna post it HA! cause i look the same.. hahahahahaha
all you's tell me whatcha doings tomorrow.. you have to tell me!! OK!!!!!!!