ohhhhhhh yeahhh woo

Jan 17, 2005 19:35

ok there are 2 things i realllly laughed about just putting it in here for memories

vICtor... says:
i fell down

- vICtor.. says:

nrc says:
? whenLOL

- vICtor...says:
you know that tall thing that you could climb up

- vICtor..says:
near the car par4k

nrc says:

nrc says:

nrc says:
you ok?

- vICtor... says:
i was on the night

- vICtor...says:
it just tingled

- vICtor...says:
but now it kinda hurts to walk

Arlene says:

nrc says:
oh dear

Arlene says:

nrc says:
is it grazed?

- vICtor...says:

************** LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!

vikky - motivate me says:
kk i challenge u to a duel

nrc says:

nrc says:
go for it

vikky - motivate me says:
*slaps u across the face with a glove*

nrc says:
*runs into you*

vikky - motivate me says:
*repeatedly hits u in th face till blood starts pouring out of your brain like a geyser*

nrc says:

vikky - motivate me says:
yeaaaa thats what i thought

nrc says:
*gets chain saw out of poket*

nrc says:
*cuts u in peices*

vikky - motivate me says:
u weirdo

vikky - motivate me says:
u jut took it too far

nrc says:

nrc says:
ky - motivate me says:
*repeatedly hits u in th face till blood starts pouring out of your brain like a geyser*

vikky - motivate me says:
chainsaw..cut into pieces?

vikky - motivate me says:
pffft...thats not bad

LOL!!!!! people much think im insane:S
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