Please post the links to three applications you have voted on :
I. Stamped as:
ADADo you prefer to be paired with a Male or Female or it doesn't matter to you?
male pls
Likes :reading,drawing,listening to music,animals,funny things,cute things,rock music
Dislikes :rap,most meats, large crowds,being bored
In your opinion, what is your best quality/qualities?i'm quiet...though that could be a positive or a negative depending on who your taking to.. i'm smart-ish
Now what is/are your worst?quiet, i'm a crybaby, i like to be alone somtimes
Would you prefer your partner to be...
Mature or Immature? mature
Quiet or Talkative? talkitve
Optimistic or Pessimistic? would balance out my pessimisticness
Rash or Cautious?cautious
What are some traits you'd like your partner to have?kind, loving,
What are the traits that you would not like your partner to have?being nosey,childish,nagging,annoying
If you were in Pandora Hearts...
Would you have any problems with or dislike anyone? haha not really i can get along with almost anyone XD
Who can you see yourself spending the most time with?haha probably Eliot...i always seem to hang out with people like him....polar opposites
What is an ideal date for you?going to a movie or out to lunch/dinner....
What do you feel that is most important in a relationship?trust and respect
What is your general opinion on "Love"?love is love? <3
• // MISC
Anything else?.....i'm drinking kool aid right now xD