Ceiling Vincent? Where?

May 10, 2010 13:36

Please post the links to three applications you have voted on:
I. yksi
II. kaksi
III. kolme

;; About yourself

Name: Sarada
Stamped as: Vincent Nightray

;; On to the theme questions

What are three things you hate in a person? : stubborn, selfish, doesn't listen to other people
What are three things you like? : kind, good listener, trustworthy
Have you gotten yourself into a very problematic argument before? and over what? : Yes. One time it was because I didn't know how to say what I feel and then people misunderstood me. But usually my arguments are just things when I disagree with someone.

;; The This or That

What trait in a person annoys you more:
Short-tempered or cold? I think cold. It's like being shouted at or being not shouted when you've done something wrong. Cold and silent feels more annoying than shouting back.
Abrasive or a poser? Poser. God, I hate posers, they act like they are the best.
Arrogant or stuck up? They both annoy me a lot. Arrogant more, I think.
Blunt or sarcastic? Sarcastic, even though I'm sarcastic too.

;; In-Universe -By this time Zaphir's brain died-

Would you ever go against your superiors? and if you would, for what reason? Yes, I would if I found out that they are the bad guys and I've been working for them, or if they started to do things I seriously disagree, like to kill innocent people.
Make up your own chain and describe what it's main power/ability is: to dig in people's mind and make them see illusions of their worst fears, but in believable way. *sadist~*
Who are two people you think you'd have problems with? Elliot. Oh yeah, he's always the first one when I'm thinking about things like this. If he starts to shout at me or someone who doesn't really deserve that, I think that I just couldn't be silent and take all that shit. But I still think we may become friends because he has so many good traits as well, it's not uncommon for me to get annoyed to my friends.
The second one is Break, I think his personality would just annoy me as hell if he decided to make me crazy.
and who do you think would share the same opinion with you for the above? Dunno OuO;;. Alice?

;; Misc.

Any problems with the questions? Not actually.
Any suggestions that could help improve the comm? -
Anything else? -

rival: elliot nightray, ( .rival. )

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