The Abyss would be nicer if it had beaches.

May 05, 2010 07:29

Please post the links to three applications you have voted on:


Name/Nickname: Ariel is my name~ People call me a lot of different things. :> Alice, Mitsuki, Manrii, Kirakira/Kira, Sparkle, Star/Starlight, Airi .. just take your pick or make something up. 8D
Age: I just turned 16 about two months ago!
Likes: Meat, sweet things, sleeping, daydreaming, writing, drawing, singing, being with my friends and my dogs, surfing the interwebs, reading. Anime/manga, laughing, making others laugh, and playing around with my voice, and video games. And I looove music. <3
Dislikes: Seafood (although I have an odd fascination with crab and lobster)! Spinach, and my step-dad (sometimes). Fake, superficial people, stupid people, people who try too hard. Bad writing and characters, and any kind of discrimination. Elitists of any kind. YOUR FACE (just kidding). Sharks, the dark, needles, pain. Scary stuff.
Interests/Hobbies: I love to sing, write and draw. .w. I'm an artist through and through. I like bother people and talk with my friends, and find new music.. I also like watching funny stuff, but I have an odd obsession with reading/watching scary video games. I'm easily scared, but I find it all so fascinating. v_v; Umm ... I love voice acting, and am usually practicing different voices. I think that might be it?
Please describe your personality: Short-tempered but cheerful in most situations, insecure, violent, affectionate, intelligent, serious when needed; good-humored, a natural leader, honest (to the point of being blunt), insensitive towards others sometimes, but inwardly sensitive ... My friends say I'm very sweet, forgiving and cute. But I'm not cute. |: People who don't know me have said that I come off as very serious and intimidating, and that I look angry a lot (even though I'm just listening to music and am actually quite the goof.) That's .. mostly what a bunch of people have told me.
Please describe your appearance or post a few pictures of yourself (please put pictures under a link): I'm tall (about 5'9'' or 5'10''), with tanned skin and big boobs. |: I've got curly/wavy dark, dark brown hair with golden streaks in it, and dark eyes. I usually wear baggy clothes, 'cause I'm insecure about my figure.


Leader or Follower? I'm a leader. I get annoyed if people try to direct me, 'cause they usually just come off as a bit ignorant. I sometimes get lazy enough to be a follower, but it puts me into a bad mood. So, yeah, I'm naturally a leader type.
Listener or Speaker? Depends. When I'm in class and I have points I want to raise, or if there's something I want to argue, I'm a speaker. However, when friends are talking to me about important things or if I feel like I'm in a more serious mood, I'm a listener.
Persistent or Weak-willed? I'm pretty damn persistent. I think being weak-willed is kind of pathetic, and I would hate that in myself. I have very strong opinions, and I support them. It doesn't mean I expect others to agree, but I'm not gonna change my mind easily.
Pessimistic or Optimistic? I'm a realist, actually. I come off as one or the other to different people, but I would classify myself as a realistic optimist. I would like to think that the world is nice and happy and that everything will be okay, but .. yeah. I lean a bit towards optimistic, but it probably would depend on my mood. /:
Patient or Impatient? I'm .. pretty impatient with most things. I'm kinda impulsive sometimes, too, which doesn't help. When it comes to some things, though, I could wait forever. It probably depends on what I'm waiting for, though.
Common Sense or Book Smart? Common sense would be nice. It's too bad most people don't have it. I mean, apparently I have enough, 'cause people listen to me and come to me for advice and whatnot, but yeah. I'm not book smart, so I'm gonna go with common sense.
Business or Pleasure? LOOOOL pleasure. I'm such a procrastinator, and I'm so damn lazy sometimes. I surf the internet and listen to music and I'll usually only do my work if there's no one online to talk to. xD I'm really terrible about it.


Who is your favorite character and why? Argh, this is such a hard question. Um .. I wanna say my favorite is probably .. either Break, Oz or Eliot. Sometimes Jack and Gil sneak in there too, but I'm pretty sure Eliot is actually on top (at the moment). That's probably because .. he just makes me laugh. There's something about male tsunderes that just .. make me giggle. They're so silly. But I also enjoy how determined he is, and also how kind he can be, underneath that whole tough guy act; he's really kind of a huge sweetheart. It makes me "bawwww".
Who/What is your favorite Chain and why? I'm gonna say Alice, just 'cause I'm cheap like that. Nah, it's just that Alice is really the only Chain who's stuck out to me. Her rabbit form is so badass, and I feel like I'd treat her like my violent, meat-eating little sister. xD Aside from her, though .. I'd probably say the Mad Hatter, just because it's so cool. * A *; I don't know how else to explain it.
If you were in Pandora Hearts, what role would you have? I .. really don't know? I'd just try and do whatever I was able. I'm kind of a history dork, so I'd probably be trying to find out more about the Tragedy .. and I could totally see myself living in a library, always falling off the shelves. |: But I'd also really enjoy exploring the world .. so this really is difficult for me to answer ..


Any suggestions you would like to add? Umm .. nope, not really. v.v;
Do you have any problems with any of the questions? I understood all of them, if that's what you mean. 8D
Anything else? Maybe I should also mention that I'm a bit of a perv .. and kinda shy. /: I'M LIKE A WALKING BOOK OF CONTRADICTIONS.
Would you like a anime stamp? or a manga stamp? Manga, pleaseeee. <3 The manga is so pretty~


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