Please post the links to three applications you have voted on:
kolme Name: Sarada
Stamped as:
Vincent NightrayPut an 'X' in the box of your choice
[ ] 1 person for a Best Friend
[X] 2 people for Best Friend(s)
Basics. ➝
Likes: video games, drawing, talking to people I want to talk to, relaxing, supernatural/paranormal things, cats, horses, singing, myths, ghost stories, the contrast of blood red and white
Dislikes: cigarettes, alcohol, annoying people, when I have to socialize too much, horror movies, dogs
What do you think are your Strong Points: I can listen people if they have promblems and they need someone to listen them. Usually people say that they don't want to hear other people's problems because they get depressed too and worry too much. I can listen without getting depressed too much, even though I don't usually know what to say.
And now Weak Points: I'm not used to tell or show people how I really feel.
This or That. ➝
Leader or Follower?: I'm a Follower, but if Leader can't do something like yell as hard as I can or do some things I'm pretty sure I can do, I'll help.
Listener or Speaker?: Like I said, I'm more a listener. I talk sometimes too, but my friends says that they really can't tell what's going on in my mind or notice when I have troubles because I don't ever talk about them. Only to my best friend.
Persistent or Weak-willed?: umm... can I say both? I can be persistent if there's a real reason to be.
Pessimistic or Optimistic?: I can be both in this one too. My friends say I'm sometimes too optimistic, but I think I'm too pessimistic in some things. Maybe I'm a realist then.
Patient or Impatient?. Ugh, I have to say both again. If there's something that's really important to me or to someone dear to me, I'm very impatient. In other ways, I can be more patient than my friends.
Common Sense or Book Smart? uh... neither?
Business or Pleasure? Pleasure.
Alone or With a Group?: Alone. I don't like to be in a big group, because I don't usually have much to say. I like different things than my IRL friends so I'm usually just quiet and think "What the hell am I doing here if I can do something with myself?"
Serious or Mischievous?. Serious. People say that I take things too seriosuly, so... yeah. xD
Theme. ➝
How would you descirbe your closest friendship?: We talk almost every day, and we can show our feelings freely. I think we have really fun together, but we live so far from each other so we don't see that much IRL.
Also describe an ideal friendship you'd like to have: I think I already have it. A good friend who can listen to me if I have problems and understands me.
Can you stand having a Rivalry with the person?: If it's not too serious, yes.
Would you prefer to look out for your Friend or have your Friend look out for you?: both. I want to look out for my friends but I want to me looked out too.
What do you like your Friend to have in common with you? (At most 3 traits): at least some fandoms or likes that we have even something to talk about, a person who can listen to me too that it's not just that I listen and he/she says that she doesn't care how I feel.
What trait would you not like a Friend to have?: who can't listen.
Situational. ➝
How would you react if your Friend formed a Illegal Contract with a Chain: I'd say that I'm very worried and scared about him/her and that I'm not happy about what she did, but what's done is done.
Lets say for some reason you know that the Tragedy of Sablier was going to happen, how would you react to it and how would spend your last moments with your Friends & Family?: Yes. I'd like to tell them how I feel and what they mean to me.
If Oz tells you he wants to be your friend with a Moe Moe face, how would you react?: I'd be like "....okay?"
How would you react if you found out someone (or maybe Break) pulled a prank on you?: I'd want to choke him...
Misc. ➝
Any suggestions for the comm? - nope
Do you have any problems with any of the questions? - nope
Anything else? - nope